Saturday, May 23, 2020
Personal Statement Of The Problem - 1144 Words
Statement of the Problem Introduction Imagine for a moment, awakening everyday and being told by everyone around you, that you were born to fail- that you are nothing and that no matter what you do or what you say, you will mess up. How may believing that you can not succeed at anything impact your daily performance? Now in contrast, imagine awakening daily and being told by everyone around you that you were born to thrive and to succeed- that you were born for an amazing purpose, and that you can not only do anything you set your mind to, but that you can do it better than anyone else. Imagine the impact these two opposing approaches would have on your life. According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary (2003), confidence is defined as, â€Å"a†¦show more content†¦In this study, two basketball teams were analyzed, one of which was consistently encouraged by their leader who demonstrated confidence in his team. In contrast, the other team’s leader consistently demonstrated lack of confidence in his team and undermined their abilities. From this it was found that when individuals had a leader that believed in their abilities, that the individuals within the team became confident in their own abilities, and consistently outperformed the other team and were more successful in performance. This study can be directly compared to a study published in 2002 in the North American Journal of Psychology. A psychologist by the name of Dr. Lisa Smith sought to study if any correlation existed between an individual’s confidence level and their performance on exams. The individuals in this study were asked to rate themselves on a numerical scale on multiple factors that collectively depicted an overall level of confidence. Not only was a positive correlation found between confidence levels and performance levels, but perhaps more interesting was that when this was analyzed more closely, there was no greater knowledge base found between the two populations of students being studied. Th us, after additional analysis it was deduced that the confident individuals had less anxiety in regards to test taking, and thus outperformed the diffident individuals
Monday, May 18, 2020
Maria Montessori - 1367 Words
Maria Montessori Maria Montessori was a famous doctor and teacher; she was the first woman to graduate from the University of Rome La Sapienza Medical School, and she was one of the first female physicians in Italy. Montessori worked with children for most of her life; teaching them, observing them, and taking care of them; her theory was: â€Å"Children teach themselves if only we will dedicate ourselves to the self-creating process of the child (Gordon and Brown 13-336).†She believed that if children did things step by step, they could do anything; she called this the sequential steps of learning (Gordon and Brown 13-336). According to Gordon and Brown, the Montessori concept is both a philosophy of child development and a†¦show more content†¦She noticed that children liked using things that were their own size, so she designed her school around the size of the children. Maria Montessori’s observations of the children helped her to form her philosophy and program. Because of Montessori’s background in medicine, and because she seemed to know exactly what children needed, people in Italy readily accepted her philosophy. Montessori is a huge part of early childhood today; most all of the materials, teaching techniques, and equipment that we use stemmed from her methods and philosophy. She estimated that children need to have a prepared environment, meaning a learning environment adapted to the specific characteristics of children of all ages. It was her belief that if a child had a prepared environment, then the child would be able to develop independence in all areas according to the child’s psychological state. She concluded that the environment should have order, beauty and harmony, cleanliness, be constructed in proportion to the child’s needs, and be arranged so that children could move and be active. If you walk into an early childhood room today, most, if not all, of these characteristics are exhibited. Mo ntessori’s contributions to early childhood that we continue to use today also include; adapting school work to the individual rather than molding the child to fit the curriculum, insisting on freedom for children in selection of materials and choice of activities, and trainingShow MoreRelatedMaria Montessori1086 Words  | 5 PagesThe Montessori Philosophy Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was truly a radical in terms of her philosophy regarding children and the fact that she was putting it forward at a time when children were most often thought of as extensions of their parent, their parents beliefs and culture, and a creature to be shaped in ways that would create an appropriate and successful adult based on those beliefs. The collective consciousness regarding childrearing was that it was important to replicateRead MoreMaria Montessori1462 Words  | 6 PagesMaria Montessori Julianne Perry ECE101: Introduction to Early Childhood Education Monica Kelly June 13, 2011 Thesis: Maria Montessori s way of learning is very unique; her theory was for children learn in a natural and parent-supported environment. Outline I. Education of Montessori 1. First woman to receive a Medical Degree in Italy A. Studied psychiatry, education and anthropology. B. Worked, wrote and spoke for children with special needs 2. Many schoolsRead MoreMaria Montessori And The Montessori Method1656 Words  | 7 Pages Maria Montessori was born on August 1870, in a small town in Italy. She was the first woman to obtain her medical degree, which was in 1896. She was intended to challenge the trust of Educations worldwide. In 1906, Maria Montessori worked with handicap children and decided to open her first school, called Casa dei Bambini, which meant Children’s House. She is the founder of education called Montessori Method. The Montessori method teaches children to learn through the work that they do. She isRead MoreDr Maria Montessori1464 Words  | 6 PagesModule 1 1. Discuss life and work of Dr. Maria Montessori and why is she referred to as a lady much ahead of her time? * Dr. Maria Montessori was born in Italy in 1870. Most of her life was spent in Rome. Her father Ale jandro was an accountant in government services. Her mother, Renilde , had good education for a woman of her time and was more open to the many transformations that affected daily life at the end of the 19th Century. Maria Montessori, an only child, she was a vivacious, strong-willedRead MoreDiscoveries of Maria Montessori1790 Words  | 8 Pages2. What are the discoveries of Dr. Maria Montessori ? Dr. Maria Montessori was a keen observer of children. She used her observational and experimental proclivities from her medical background to develop, what we might today call, a Constructivist understanding of the process of learning. She studied them scientifically. If she saw some unusual behavior in a child, she would say,†I won’t believe it now, I shall if it happens again†. She studied the conditions in which the children would performRead MoreNormalization: Maria Montessori2025 Words  | 9 PagesIn Montessori education, the term â€Å"normalization†has a specialized meaning. â€Å"Normal†does not refer to what is considered to be â€Å"typical†or â€Å"average†or even â€Å"usual†. â€Å"Normalization†does not refer to a process of being forced to conform. Instead, Maria Montessori used the terms â€Å"normal†and â€Å"normalization†to describe a unique process she observed in child developme nt. Normalization refers to the focus, concentration and independence of the child, by his own choice. It means the child has acquiredRead MoreMaria Montessori and Environment2607 Words  | 11 Pagesself-construction, which had been interrupted, is now taken up again, as nature has intended all along.†E.M Standing, Maria Montessori: her life and work, pg 174 Learning, by itself, cannot happen without concentration. Whether we are learning to tie our shoes, write our name, wash a car or solve complex algebraic equations, there is intense concentration specific to the task at hand. Dr. Maria Montessori understood the power of concentration, and her methodology is designed to nurture this power. ConcentrationRead MoreEssay on Who is Maria Montessori3824 Words  | 16 Pagesï » ¿Practical Life Rationale Paper 1. Who is Maria Montessori? Please give a brief description of her life. Maria Montessori was the founder of the Montessori approach to education, she was born in Italy in 1870. As a teenager she was an engineer, but later she studied her favor major of medicine. Graduated as Italys first female medical practitioner she embarked on a career in mental health. Following on from this she was asked to head up a childcare project for a social housing initiative andRead MoreMaria Montessori Essay780 Words  | 4 PagesMaria Montessori was considered ahead of her time. She was born in Chiaravalle, in the province of Ancona, Italy in 1870 to an educated but not wealthy family. Despite her fathers wishes and societys conservative ways at the time, she studied science. She was the first female physician in Italy when she graduated medical school in 1896. She worked mostly with the poor because she saw vast potential in them. She was an unselfish person and she traveled Italy speaking of womens rights and childRead MoreMaria Montessori Education Essay1052 Words à ‚ | 5 PagesMaria Montessori was born on August 31,1870†¯in†¯Chiaravalle, Marche, Italy to a financial manager father and an educated mother who highly valued education. Due to this, Montessori was a properly educated woman with a talent and passion for†¯higher education†¯which was extremely unusual for an Italian woman during her time. In†¯the†¯19th†¯century there was much controversy on whether children belonged in the work field or in the classroom. Based on their families†¯social class†¯a child would either go work
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Triangular Phillips Curve Model Essay - 2275 Words
The triangular Phillips Curve which was proposed by Gordon (1996) states that the factors cause inflation can be summarized as demand pull, cost push and inflation inertia. Similarly, Gal and Gertler (1999) construct the a kind of hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve model and claim that the main factors that affect inflation are the excess aggregate demand, inflation expectation and inflation inertia. In reality, the determinants of inflation are very complex, and the most common four mechanisms of production are stated as follows: 1) Demand pull type. Excessive growth in aggregate demand leads to too much money chasing too few goods. 2) Cost push type. The inflation is caused by the increase in the cost of production and the general level of the price rise. 3)Inflation inertia, that is, once the inflation formed, it will continue for a period of time. 4) Expectation of inflation. Economic activity participants can make a judgment and estimate on the future trend of inflation to get the formation of inflation expectations, which lead to the current increase in the price level. In the paper of Batini (2005), the theoretical and empirical relationship between the share of labour and inflation in the U.K. was explored, which based on the theory of Cobb–Douglas the New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC). The labour share was examined to be as a useful indicator on measuring the inflationary pressures of the U.K. There was a stable relationship between the informationShow MoreRelatedThe Researches About The Causes Of Inflation Essay2290 Words  | 10 Pages2.3 The researches about the causes of inflation 2.3.1 The theoretical explains of inflation causes The triangular Phillips Curve which was proposed by Gordon (1996) states that the factors cause inflation can be summarized as demand pull, cost push and inflation inertia. Similarly, Gal and Gertler (1999) construct the a kind of hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve model and claim that the main factors that affect inflation are the excess aggregate demand, inflation expectation and inflation inertiaRead MoreInflation Is An Important Issue For Both Monetary Policy Makers And The Phillips Curve By John M. Roberts3648 Words  | 15 Pagesarguments that some model of pricing fail to explain the persistence. This paper summarizes two papers: inflation persistence by Jeff Fuhrer and George Moore and New Keynesian Economics and the Phillips Curve by John M. Roberts. We are going to follow the idea of Roberts (1995) and use the model in â€Å"Monetary Theory and Policy†second edition written by Carl E. Walsh. Section 1 gives the reason why inflation persistence is important. And also briefly introduce three different models that are summarizedRead MoreThree Principles Describe How Economy as a Whole Works11284 Words  | 46 Pagesimpact on the market price. 2. Here is an example of a monthly demand schedule for pizza: Price of Pizza Slice $0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 Number of Pizza Slices Demanded 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 another along the same demand curve. 3. Here is an example of a monthly supply schedule for pizza: Price of Pizza Slice $0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 Number of Pizza Slices Supplied 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Coconuts Gathered Figure 1 2. Crusoe’sRead MoreLenovo and Ibm23938 Words  | 96 Pageslicensing, a firm that enters into a joint venture may risk giving control of its technology or competitive advantage to its partner. Second, the venture does not give a firm the tight control over subsidiaries that it might need to realize experience curve or location economies, nor does the tight control over a foreign subsidiary that it might need for engaging in coordinated global attacks to its rivals. Third, the shared ownership arrangement may lead to conflicts and battles for control between concerned
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
01-Rowe-45233.qxd 3/26/2007 12:53 PM Page 1 1 LEADERSHIPâ€â€WHAT IS IT? CEOs tell us that their most pressing need is for more leaders in their organizationsâ€â€not the consummate role-players who seem to surround them. â€â€Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones G ary Yukl (2006) defines leadership as â€Å"the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives†(p. 8). Peter Northouse (2007) defines leadership as â€Å"a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.†These definitions suggest several components central to the phenomenon of leadership.†¦show more content†¦Both are required for there to be a leadership process. Within this process, both leaders and followers have an ethical responsibility to attend to the needs and concerns of each other; however, because this casebook is about leadership, we will focus more on the ethical responsibility of leaders toward their followers. Finally, it needs to be said that leaders are not better than followers, nor are they above followers. On the contrary, leaders and followers are i ntertwined in a way that requires them to be understood in their relationship with each other and as a collective body of two or more people (Burns, 1978; Dubrin, 2007; Hollander, 1992). In the previous paragraphs, leadership has been defined, and the definitional aspects of leadership have been discussed. In the next few paragraphs, several other issues related to the nature of leadership will be discussed: how trait leadership is different from leadership as a process, how emergent and appointed leadership are different, and how coercion, power, and management are different from leadership. Trait Versus Process Statements such as â€Å"She is a born leader†and â€Å"He was born to lead†imply a perspective toward leadership that is trait based. Yukl (2006) states that the trait approach â€Å"emphasizes leaders’ attributes such as personality, motives, values, and skills.Show MoreRelatedLeadership : What Is Leadership?2170 Words  | 9 PagesWhat is leadership? Having good leadership is necessary for any organization. Definitions of leadership are varied. It is a fundamental element within society that has attracted the interest of thousands of scientists, historians, and philosophers for hundreds of years, yet none of them can decide upon its meaning. Cook (2000) calls leadership the â€Å"ability to learn and adapt to change, a risk taker and using personal powers to win the hearts and minds of people to achieve a common purpose.†NorthouseRead MoreWhat Is Leadership Philosophy?1238 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is leadership philosophy? According to Col Will iam DeMarco, a leadership philosophy is similar to an organizational mission statement but on an individual level. â€Å"It lets people know what you expect, what you value, and how you will act; with the additional benefit of making the organization more productive like a compass it helps keep you, the leader, on course.†1 This paper will cover three elements. I will begin by discussing my personal leadership philosophy and my opinion on â€Å"a boss vsRead MoreWhat is Leadership? Essay1393 Words  | 6 PagesLeadership is a difficult word to define and according to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary leadership is the â€Å"office or position of a leader†(Miriam-Webster, 2010). This definition is definitely not one that I would ascribe to when discussing leadership. My definition of leadership is â€Å"the ability someone has to motivate and empower others to achieve a goal.†Some may add to this definition, others may discard it altogether and have a compl etely different definition. In the end, leadership takesRead MoreWhat Is Ethical Leadership?948 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is ethical leadership? Before answering the question, let s look at the definition of ethics and leadership. According to the Oxford dictionary ethics is defined as moral principles that govern a persons or groups behavior. Moreover, the Oxford Dictionary defines the word leadership as follow â€Å"the action of leading a group of individuals or an organization. Ethical and moral leadership are related to concepts such as trust, honesty, consideration and more. Daniel PalmerRead MoreWhat Are Charismatic Leadership?1118 Words  | 5 Pagesstatement because leadership in an organization is essential to its survival. On the other hand, supervisors also play a critical role in large establishments, but leaders and supervisors are not essentially one and the same. Both leaders and supervisors have some mutual aspects, but they also can be different significantly in some different ways as well. Leaders are not, in essence,s automatically assigned to be in a position as a leader.†2. How is intelligence related to leadership? IntelligenceRead MoreWhat is Leadership? Essay2237 Words  | 9 PagesWhat is leadership? When examining this question it is important to understand what it means to be a leader within an organization. â€Å"Leadership is the influencing process of leaders and followers to achieve organizational objectives through change (Achua, 2010, p. 6). Leaders serves people best when they help them develop their own initiative and good judgment, enable them to grow, and help them become better contributors (Thomas S Bateman, 2010, p. 66). Unlike management leadership flows from theRead MoreWhat Is Leadership In School Essay719 Words  | 3 PagesSchool districts are required to be fiscally responsible in decisions made to improve schools and districts. Principals are given instructional professional development in their career; however, limited resources are spent developing principals’ leadership skills as an individual. The concept of coaching for the principal is to have the gu ide on the side to develop leaders who are able to step back and take a bird’s eye view for their organization, focus on the greater goals so leaders can see theRead MoreWhat Is Trust As The Essence Of Leadership Essay1637 Words  | 7 Pages1. Trust as the Essence of Leadership Trust, which is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary of English Language (2011) as â€Å"the firm belief in the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing†, has different dimensions. Robbins and Coulter (2012) identified the five dimensions of the concept of trust as being, integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty and openness. These dimensions are all crucial elements in the functionality of an organization. The persons within an organizationRead MoreImportance Of Religious Leadership And What It Is Not1373 Words  | 6 PagesLeadership Integration Paper The intent of this paper is to define religious leadership and what religious leadership is; what it is not. Explain how the understanding of religious leadership has changed throughout one’s career. It will also discuss roles and responsibilities of religious leadership as a company grade Chaplain and field grade Chaplain. Finishing by discussing what emotional intelligence in leadership looks like through the lens of being a religious leader. To understand whatRead MoreWhat Makes A Effective Leadership?862 Words  | 4 Pagesunderstanding what effective leadership requires and how to get better ethical outcomes in the workplace. The readings present informative aspects of what constitutes an effective leadership and in my opinion a guide to the real world, for ethical decision making. Indeed shaping oneself to become a leader is not an overnight process, one requires great patience and time to develop strong leadership styles to help harness the followers skills and talents they bring to an organization. The leadership styles
Welcome to South Africa Free Essays
Welcome 2 ZA, welcome 2 massive poverty, obscene inequality such horrible outbreaks of disease, murder, rape, malnutrition, suicide, HIV Aids, homelessness scale breaking numbers of orphans. Welcome 2 the harsh reality of raging racism the still glowing embers of slavery; the prison of poverty. Poverty defined is the deprivation of those things that determine the quality of life, including food, shelter, clothing safe drinking water, but also intangibles such as the opportunity to learn the respect of fellow citizens. We will write a custom essay sample on Welcome to South Africa or any similar topic only for you Order Now Could you imagine living day in, day out, without any of these? Many people in ZA live without any of these things. Perhaps this is why they are only expected to live to 50. Every 10 seconds someone dies of some unquestionable reason that in our society we would find totally unacceptable. Racism is another factor which is adding 2 the instability of ZA. By its simplest definition racism is the belief that racial differences produce a clear superiority over a particular race, religion, colour, ethnic origin or group. Certain sections of society maybe denied rights or benefits, or get special treatment. Before 1994 in apartheid ZA people were classified according to the colour of their skin. The history of racism in ZA is appalling, for example in 1836 inadmissible human zoos were set up to parade the black people which they labelled ‘niggers and savages’. They were forced to do things with no clothes on and beaten to near death if they refused to do so. White skinned people thought they were of more value than a dark skinned person. They honestly believed that dark skinned peoples only use was to slave for them. When a problem occurred it was the black persons fault. Personally I feel that this frame of mind is arrogant and stupid, but also ironic. How can you call someone ‘coloured’ when black, brown and white are all colours. The apartheid was a list of restricting rules imposed upon the blacks to segregate them from white people. When it was removed individuals who had previously supported apartheid publicly apologised, including F W de Klerk. He said â€Å"I apologise in my capacity as leader to the millions who suffered wrenching disruption of forced removals; who suffered the shame of being arrested for no reason; who over the decades suffered the indignities and humiliation of immense racial discrimination. As expected the years and years of anger at being constantly humiliated exploded and fears that the change of power in ZA would be violent were confirmed. It was here that the song ‘Beeko’ was released by Peter Gabriel which repeated ‘when I try to sleep at night, I can only dream in red, the outside world is black and white with only one colour – dead’. All of this has supposedly passed and now according to the image the govt portrays the country is fine. I know from times out there that this wound has not completely healed. It still very much black and white in many situations. There are black schools, white schools, black shops, white shops, and black houses are of poor quality whereas white houses are of normal, even spectacular standards. I went into shanty towns where houses are made of iron, wood and rubbish. Sidney Smith said †It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little†. Taking out food to kids who are the same age as my cousins and younger, who are orphaned, starving and sometimes HIV positive, even dying, changes your view on the world. If they were born into our country they wouldn’t have had these problems. We live in a society where people cannot see just how much they have, but also how much they take for granted. If Gov. like ours all over the developed country world gave a little money to ZA the poverty wheel would could end and the turmoil would be left behinf. Money CANNOT sort out everything. Perhaps if wealthy, stable and lawed coutries showed compassion to the younger generation of ZA who have not seen the horrors of their relatives past the world would change. This is the generation which will change Africa. KOFEEE ANNAN said â€Å"things get better when enough people decide they should. Things change when countries come together in a common purpose†The time to act is NOW. There are many things that could b done 2 correct the injustice. There are things even you and me can do. To quote HILLELL â€Å"If now is not the time to act, when will it b†How to cite Welcome to South Africa, Papers
Business Idea and Components of Business-
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Idea and Components of Business Model. Answer: Introduction The business idea that I have chosen for the new venture is an organic product line and a movable organic food delivery service. The risk of obesity is increasing in Australia; according to statistics around 63% adults are overweight and suffering from obesity (AIHW, 2017). This has led to the demand of healthy and chemical free food products which can contribute in developing healthy eating which will result into a healthier lifestyle. My business idea includes organic products which will include organic food products such as cold pressed juices, organic snacks, vegetables, fruits and organic baby food products. Food delivery market has been growing at a rapid pace over these years. Every individual is willing to pay more for the sake of convenience and saving time. According to the data, Australian audience visit fast food outlet 51.5 million time per month, which has significantly increases the risk of diabetes and other heart diseases (Campbell, 2016). This has generated the need for healthier eating outlets (BBC, 2017). The food delivery service will be initiated in a van which will be placed at major outlets of the city. The ingredients used will be organic and fair trade marked. Fair trade products will not only help the business to achieve sustainability but also improve the lives of farmers (Foe, 2017). The Food delivery service will include breakfast, lunch and dinner boxed meal which will be healthy and tasty. Organic food is many times associated with green vegetables and that is why kids and adults dont find them tempting enough to switch them with their fast food options. But the menu of the organic food will consist of variety of delicious and healthier options which can attract the crowd. Business Model Components: A business model shows the how an organization will operate into the future, what will be their main business, how they will approach the target audience etc. The components of business model with respect to my business idea are: Product and services: The product line that will be offered by the new business venture is organic food products and organic meal services by a food delivery van. They will provide the meal boxes of Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Value proposition: With the increased consumption of fast food among the Australian public has led to the increase in the demand for the organic and healthy food products. The organic products will be fair trade marked and the ingredients will be of organic grade quality. Target Market segment: The target market for the food delivery service will be office going individuals because they are not able to cook a healthy three time meals for themselves due to lack of time and fast paced corporate life. As a result they rely on fast food which increases potential health risk. The target market for organic products will be every individual of Australia. The range of products will satisfy the need of adult, babies and senior age people. Distribution channel: The distribution channel for the food delivery service will be through delivery vans placed at every convenient location of the city. From malls to parks, the food will be available to everyone. The reason for choosing a van rather than a caf is because the venture is new; deliver van is a more feasible option than a caf. Organic food is generally priced on a higher side than the fast food. In order to persuade people to try out menu options the operation cost should be controlled so that they dont reflect in the food prices. The distribution channel for the organic food products will be through retail outlets such as Woolworths and Coles. The product will be fairly priced so that they can catch the attention of the audience. Pricing Strategy: As mentioned above the fast food is less expensive than the organic food but the health cost in consuming the fast food is much high. The pricing method used will be cost plus pricing method which will include the delivery van rent and cost involved in making and delivering food and organic products will be considered. The profit margin should be kept low in order to survive the competition. Competitors: Australian food market is flooded with many organic food caf chains such as AboutLife, Earth to table, Thrive etc. (The fit foodie, 2014). But what differentiates our product is a delivery van offering organic meal boxes at affordable prices. In the retail industry there are many competitors but the target market of our product is vast and offers to fulfill the needs of larger audience. References: BBC (2017)The risks of a poor diet and being overweight.BBC, London. Retrieved from 10 May 2017. AIHW. (2017). Overweight and obesity. Retrieved from on 10 May 2017. Campbell, L. (2016). Shocking Statistics That Illustrate Australia's Obesity Problem. Retrieved from on 10 May 2017. Foe. (2017). The benefits of Fairtrade. Retrieved from on 10 May 2017. The fit foodie. (2014). TOP 10 HEALTHY EATS IN SYDNEY. Retrieved from on 9 May 2017.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Tartuffe Essay Paper Example For Students
Tartuffe Essay Paper byMolireI was in the audience at the proformance of Tartuffe the first night itplayed at Prairie High School. I really liked Tartuffe, i felt that the play waspretty funny, and i liked how it started off by letting the audience knowTartuffe is a fraud. I thought it was a very good production. In Tartuffe we get pretty much a personal view into Orgonss home, allof the play takes place here. In Act I, scene 4, Tartuffe, coming into churcheveryday and drawing attention with his loud prayer. In church Orgon wouldoffer him gifts and he would say they were twice too much and immediatelygive some to the poor, again this kind of thing makes the audience realizethat Tartuffe is a fraud and that he has Madame Pernelle and Orgonconvinced that he is perfect. Sooner or later Orgon invites Tartuffe to live inhis home. Tartuffe immediality takes everything over. He convinces Orgonto turn the house over to him along with some important papers. Orgon istotally in the dark on whats going on and everytime a member of his familytries to talk to him about it he gets all mad and the have a fight. Tartuffeswhole reason for being in the home is that he is trying to suduce Orgonsyoung wife. Everyone in his family knows whats going on and they settartuffe up to take a fall. It works and Orgon thro ws Tartuffe out of thehouse, But what we all forgot is that Orgon had signed everything over toTartuffe and Tartuffe has Orgon and his family evicted from the home. Luckily, the good king sees through Tartuffe and has him arrested. This play is set in Orgons home. The technical elements of this playare used to set a mood for the play. Like when Tartuffe starts to take overOrgons home, Tartuffes assisstant begins to change the rugs and drapes to thecolor green, Tartuffes main color}, and then when Tartuffe starts to lose hiscontrol on Orgon, the maid come out and removes the green and replaces itwith the regular color. I really wasnt effected by the changing of the colorsuntil i thought back to what happened and realized why it happened. Then itstarted to make a little better of a picture., of how Tartuffe was taking overthen losing control. The lighting of the play was all together good but what inoticed is when Damis is playing a video game in the corner it was a littlehard to see and here him because everyone was in front of him and he was inthe corner. I liked the costumes used in Tartuffe I liked how Tartuffe and hisservant wore green and then Orgon started wearing green, then Orgon wentback to his regular clothes, and Tartuffe wore some pimp clothes, that weneet i got how that was working from the start. I dont quite recall many sound effects being used in the show, butbefore and during intermission there was alot of classical music playing sowe got the idea that we were going to see a a play about rich people. The way the playwrite uses Tartuffe in the beginning of the play tomake himself look like a hyprocrit, is one of the reasons that i liked the playbecause i really think that when the audience doesnt like the villian it makesfor a way better play. And i think that the whole audience thought thatTartuffe was a moron by the end of the first act. I really had a hard timeunderstanding the play while i was in the audience, because I was under theinfluence that the play took place in the 14 or 15 hundreds. I didnt find outintil the next day that the play had been moved up in time abit the the 1990s. I just felt that the old english used in the play didnt quite equal out with thewhole 1990s thing. That was one of the only thing that i didnt like aboutTartuffe. I felt that it was trying to make a point, not to trust everyonebecause looks can be decieving. I think that Tartuffe was really meant foreveryone to have a good laugh, there wasnt much else to it. .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 , .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .postImageUrl , .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 , .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:hover , .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:visited , .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:active { border:0!important; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:active , .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Samantha Srinivasan EssayI think that since i already read the script, that is what made meconfused about the place in time that the play held. If i wouldnt have readthe play before I saw it I think i would have been a little more in tune withwhat was going on.
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