Thursday, September 3, 2020
Things which are Important in Our Lives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Things which are Important in Our Lives - Essay Example The manners in which that things make our carries on with increasingly agreeable are endless. From the second we wake up until we rest, things are there make our carries on with simpler. We rest on a thing called the bed and awakens with the caution of something else called morning timer. Our morning meal would not have been arranged if not the comfort of cooking things in the kitchen. At the point when we set ourselves up either for school or work, things are again present for us. We dress in garments fitting for us and go to class or work in another type of thing which is a vehicle. Indeed, even our work environment school is loaded up with things. In school, PCs make considering simpler particularly the web. Our day by day lives are essentially loaded up with things to make it advantageous for us. Things additionally empower us to do a great deal of things which in any case would have been hard to manage without those things. I can solidly refer to the case of a PC and web without which considering and doing research would have been troublesome. On the off chance that I need to do a research paper, I should truly go to the library and scour through the inventories before finding the books and magazine that I requirement for research. In the wake of finding those materials that I need, I need to obtain them genuinely or duplicate the content on the off chance that I am not permitted to bring the books at home. I would need to relentlessly go all through them which will take a ton of time and exertion. What's more, in any event, composing the report would require a lot of exertion since I need to physically type them. The thing called PC and web discharges me from those weights and permit me to concentrate better. I can scour through books and diaries and different articles dire ctly in the solace of my home. This is quicker and increasingly advantageous. The data I can discover utilizing the PC and the web in minutes may take me hours in the event that I will do it genuinely in the library.â
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Fusion Power for Sustainable Development
Combination Power for Sustainable Development Presentation Supportable vitality is tied in with utilizing vitality astutely and utilizing vitality produced from clean sources and clean innovations. This methodology is initial step to guaranteeing we have supportable vitality and innovations for present and people in the future. Being proficient with our vitality will decrease our family unit and business vitality bills, diminish the measure of vitality we have to deliver in any case and cut vitality related nursery contamination. Economical vitality isn’t pretty much delivering vitality to fulfill the needs, it additionally implies that the vitality sources are perfect and don’t have a negative on the earth. This exposition will talk about top to bottom how combination power is the arrangement the vitality emergency which is as of now being looked far and wide. Combination is an exceptionally perfect, green wellspring of intensity which doesn’t have an inconvenient effect in nature. Atomic combination In atomic material science, atomic combination is an atomic response wherein at least two nuclear cores crash at an exceptionally rapid and join to shape another kind of nuclear core. During this procedure, mass isn't preserved on the grounds that a portion of the mass of the combining cores is changed over to photons (vitality). Combination is likewise the procedure that furnishes Sun and every single other star with their vitality; the procedure includes the crash of nuclear cores to discharge vitality. Right now researchers and architects are building up the innovation that it very well may be utilized in power stations to satisfy the vitality needs that are as of now being confronted all around. It is trusted that combination will give us the answer for the current vitality emergency and give a clean sustainable wellspring of intensity for people in the future. How combination functions In a combination response, vitality is discharged when two light nuclear cores are intertwined to shape one heavier particle. This is the procedure that gives the vitality controlling the Sun and different stars, where hydrogen cores are joined to frame helium. To accomplish sufficiently high combination response rates to make combination valuable as a vitality source, the fuel (two kinds of hydrogen †deuterium and tritium) must be warmed to temperatures more than 100 million degrees Celsius. At these very high temperatures the fuel becomes plasma. What is plasma? Plasma is the fourth condition of issue with the others being strong, fluid and gas. a plasma is an ionized gas, a gas into which adequate vitality is given to liberate electrons from particles or atoms and to permit the two species, particles and electrons, to exist together. Plasma is a gas that has been stimulated to the point that a portion of the electrons break free from, yet travel with, their core. Gases can become plasmas in a few different ways, however all incorporate siphoning the gas with vitality. A sparkle in a gas will make plasma. A hot gas going through a major flash will transform the gas stream into a plasma that can be helpful. Plasma lights like that are utilized in industry to cut metals. The plasma is likewise incredibly dainty and delicate, and is essentially less thick at that point air. To shield the plasma from being tainted and cooled by contact with material surfaces it is contained in an attractive control framework. Attractive constrainment is the methodology that Culham and numerous different labs are investigating to give vitality from combination. A plasma of light nuclear cores is warmed and kept in a round jug known as a tokamak, where it is controlled with solid attractive fields. An attractive combination gadget, the most extreme combination power is accomplished utilizing deuterium and tritium. These breaker to create helium and rapid neutrons, discharging 17.6MeV (megaelectron volts) of vitality per response. This is around multiple times more vitality than is discharged in a regular substance response. A business combination power station will utilize the vitality conveyed by the neutrons to create power. The neutrons will be eased back somewhere around a cover of denser material encompassing the machine, and the warmth this gives will be changed over into steam to drive turbines and put power on to the network. The Tokomak The tokamak is an attractive control framework and is a key segment which is required for a combination response to occur. Tokomak the base on which the combination reactors of things to come will be work around. It was first designed by the soviet association during the 1960s and it was before long received by researchers and architects around the world. The joint European Torus(JET ) , which is situated at the Culham Center for Fusion Energy, is the biggest and most remarkable set up which is at present in activity. tokamak parts and capacities are as per the following: The plasma is contained in a vacuum vessel. The vacuum is kept up by outside siphons. The plasma is made by allowing in a little puff of gas, which is then warmed by driving a current through it. The hot plasma is contained by an attractive field which gets it far from the machine dividers. The mix of two arrangements of attractive curls †known as toroidal and poloidal field loops †makes a field in both vertical and even bearings, going about as an attractive ‘cage to hold and shape the plasma. Enormous force supplies are utilized to produce the attractive fields and plasma flows. Plasma current is instigated by a transformer, with the focal attractive curl going about as the essential winding and the plasma as the optional winding. The warming gave by the plasma current (known as Ohmic warming) supplies up to 33% of the 100 million degrees Celsius temperature required to cause combination to happen. Extra plasma warming is given by impartial pillar infusion. In this procedure, nonpartisan hydrogen particles are infused at fast into the plasma, ionized and caught by the attractive field. As they are eased back down, they move their vitality to the plasma and warmth it. Radiofrequency warming is additionally used to warm the plasma. High-recurrence swaying flows are prompted in the plasma by outer curls or waveguides. The frequencies are picked to coordinate locales where the vitality assimilation is extremely high (resonances). Along these lines, a lot of intensity might be moved to the plasma. Why combination Power is required By 2050, it is normal that will be an ascent in worldwide populace from six billion to nine billion and better expectations for everyday comforts could prompt a two to triple increment in vitality utilization. As of right now, 80% of the created universes vitality originates from petroleum products. The regularly expanding reliance on petroleum derivatives for creating power has lead to things, for example, an unnatural weather change and corrosive downpour and other harming consequences for our wellbeing and on the world we live in. Accomplishing combination power Combination is relied upon to turn into a significant piece of the vitality blend during the second 50% of this century since it is seen by such a large number of similar to the â€Å"silver bullet†to the l vitality issues which is as of now tormenting the world . With adequate subsidizing, the primary combination power plant could be working during the 2040s. To accomplish this, initial a progression of advancement steps should be taken, which are set out in the European combination guide, distributed in 2013. CCFE is working with its partners around Europe to execute this arrangement, which would see combination power on the matrix by 2050. ITER is the following significant universal combination test and a urgent advance towards accomplishing business combination vitality. It is relied upon to demonstrate the practicality of power age from combination by discharging in the locale of 500 megawattsof combination power (from a 50 megawattinput) for as long as 500 seconds. It will be the primary combination trial to deliver net force †multiple times more than the sum required to warm the plasma. Showing Once the logical and designing frameworks have been tried on ITER, the following stage will be to fabricate a showing combination power plant which will coordinate the finding of the exploration . Structures are now best in class for this model machine, known as ‘DEMO. The exhibition is relied upon to create in the area of two gig wattsof electrical capacity to the lattice, a comparative yield to a standard electrical force plant, and could be online during the 2040s. In the event that these preliminaries are effective, it will prompt the original of business combination power stations being placed into commission. Points of interest of combination power The world needs new, cleaner approaches to meet our regularly expanding vitality request, as concerns develop over environmental change and declining supplies of petroleum products. Force stations utilizing combination would have various favorable circumstances: No carbon emanations. The main side-effects of combination responses are limited quantities of helium, which is an idle gas that won't add to environmental contamination. Plenteous powers. Deuterium can be removed from water and tritium is delivered from lithium, which is found in the earths hull. Fuel supplies will along these lines keep going for many years. Vitality proficiency. One kilogram of combination fuel can give a similar measure of vitality as 10 million kilograms of non-renewable energy source. No seemingly perpetual radioactive waste. Just plant segments become radioactive and these will be sheltered to reuse or discard expectedly inside 100 years. Security. The limited quantities of fuel utilized in combination gadgets (about the heaviness of a postage stamp at any one time) implies that a huge scope atomic mishap is unimaginable. Dependable force. Combination power plants ought to give a baseload gracefully of a lot of power, at costs that are evaluated to be comprehensively like other vitality sources. Detriments of combination power Doubtful on a huge business scale. No full scale creation expected till in any event 2050 The force plants would be costly to assemble Requires incredibly high temperatures. Could create a net negative measure of vitality In the event that chilly combination could be accomplished, it would be a lot simpler to actualize. The billions in research subsidizing could be spent on renewables What is Cold Fusion? Cold combination depicts a type of vitality created when
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Spanish-Speaking Groups in the United States Essay Example for Free
Spanish-Speaking Groups in the United States Essay This examination paper will recognize the semantic, political, social, financial, strict, and familial shows or statuses of Columbian Americans, Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Rican Americans living in the United States.| Social Interests of Spanish-Speaking Groups in the United States Cultural interests of Columbian Americans, Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Rican Americans that live in the United States of America are the center as a result of the assorted variety and debate that encompasses them. The United States assembled all the Spanish-talking individuals that begin from Latin America, Central America, or South America together as one ethnic gathering alluded to as Hispanics or Latinos. Social interests distinguished for every one of these four gatherings will comprise of their own group’s phonetics, political status, societal position, monetary status, strict status, and familial shows. The principal Hispanic gathering we will investigate is Columbian Americans. Sturner (2012), â€Å"Spanish is the language of most Colombian-American families in the United States, where it fills in as maybe the surest methods for safeguarding traditions†(Colombian Americans). Columbians don't accept they will stay in the United States in view of the migration limitations, in this way Columbian Americans customarily commit themselves to governmental issues in Columbia, and most don't turn out to be extremely engaged with American legislative issues (Sturner, 2012). Columbian Americans sought after expert vocations and accepting work as workers, assembly line laborers, household hirelings, and started private companies (Sturner, 2012). As per Sturner (2012), In the mid-1990’s Colombian Americans had one of the most noteworthy normal wages among Latinos and many succeeded in business, particularly in adventures in Miami identified with exchange with Latin America†(Colombian Americans). Socially, they create solid binds with other Latinos through casual systems since they share a shared trait of Spanish-language media, which gives news, diversion, and music from Latin America (Sturner, 2012). The Catholic church offers pivotal help to Latin Americans all through the United States and strict functions are intently attached to significant traditions and conventions, for example, compadrazgo (Sturner, 2012). Safeguarding has been guaranteed as of late as wards have included Spanish-language administrations (Sturner, 2012). Columbian outsiders save their family conventions as a central worry against pressures experienced in American culture (Sturner, 2012). Their customary jobs are that the spouse is the breadwinner, the wife is the homemaker, and the kids are educated to comply with their folks and regard authority (Sturner, 2012). The subsequent Hispanic gathering we will investigate is Cuban Americans. Those conceived in the United States will in general be English Speakers and have less office with Spanish, while those brought into the world abroad have more prominent office with Spanish and the greater part have some English capacity also (Buffington, 2012). Cuban Americ an people group are all around acclimatized in the United States and have huge political impact due to their size (Buffington, 2012). Buffington (2012), Cuban Americans are rumored to being moderate strategically and to cast a ballot overwhelmingly for the Republican Party Elections†(Cuban Americans). The most significant political association for them is the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) in light of the fact that it is viewed as the agent of the Cuban American people group (Buffington, 2012). Monetarily Cuban Americans intently take after the absolute U.S. populace and they have more noteworthy monetary security than other Hispanic gatherings (Buffington, 2012). They are profoundly instructed and a moderate level of their populace has finished school or graduate tutoring (Buffington, 2012). Most Cuban Americans report and see a non-oppressive relationship with White Americans (Buffington, 2012). Cuban Americans overwhelmingly recognize themselves as Roman Catholics, anyway a little rate are some type of Protestantism, and one-fourth of local brought into the world Cuban Americans state they either have no inclination or have another strict connection (Buffington, 2012). Most Cuban American families have acquired the American lifestyle, which is altogether not the same as the customary Cuban family from various perspectives (Buffington, 2012). Compadres or grandparents are more averse to assume critical jobs of Cuban American youngsters and Cuban American ladies are bound to have more noteworthy expert in the family in light of joining the workforce to add to the family salary for security and freedom of the family (Buffington, 2012). The third Hispanic gathering we will investigate is Mexican Americans. Spanish has remained their essential language of all Mexicans in the Southwestern United States. It got essential for laborers and understudies to get capable in English to proceed to work and get training. The Political Association of Spanish-Speaking Organizations (PASSO) and Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) were made to verbalize ethnic political objectives (Englekirk Marin, 2012). Discontent with both the Democratic and Republican gatherings in 1970, Mexican Americans made an option ideological group called La Raza Unida (LRU), which had momentous achievement (Englekirk Marin, 2012). Customarily the democratic examples of Mexican Americans have been Democratic at the presidential level. Most of Hispanic-claimed organizations existing in the United States are constrained by Mexican Americans, and this has added to the development of the Mexican American white collar class. Englekirk and Marin (2012), Despite the broadening in work into segments of the national economy, compensation have stayed low for most individuals from the Mexican American community†(Mexican Americans). Englekirk and Marin (2012), â€Å"Following the Mexican-American War, expanding viciousness executed by Anglo Americans made Mexicans and Mexican Americans strongly mindful of their subordinate status inside the American Southwest†(Mexican Americans). Mexican Americans made an assortment of social and political associations that elevated ethnic solidarity to endeavor to adapt to their inferior status. Most of the Mexican American populace is of the Catholic confidence with a little rate that changed over to Protestantism and different beliefs. In the customary Mexican American family their more distant family and dearest companions are the same amount of a piece of their family as their close family as a result of an arrangement of shared reliance and regard for seniors that makes an affectionate nuclear family. The last Hispanic gathering we will investigate is Puerto Ricans. Appropriate Castilian Spanish is the local language of Puerto Ricans. Green (2012), Although English is instructed to most grade younger students in Puerto Rican government funded schools, Spanish remains the essential language on the island of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rican Americans). There is a generously higher pace of voter support among Puerto Ricans on t he island than on the U.S. territory. There is political skepticism among the Puerto Ricans in view of the absence of chance and instruction for the relocated populace, yet the Puerto Rican populace can be a significant political power when sorted out (Green, 2012). A few issues, for example, wrongdoing, sedate maltreatment, poor instructive chances, joblessness, and the breakdown of the Puerto Rican family structure have made them be by and large, the most financially hindered Latino gathering in the United States (Green, 2012). Puerto Rican American social absorption has been one of extraordinary achievement blended in with significant issues (Green, 2012). Green (2012), Because numerous Puerto Ricans are of blended Spanish and African plummet, they have needed to persevere through a similar kind of racial segregation frequently experienced by African Americans†(Puerto Rican Americans). Most Puerto Ricans are Catholic, yet strength has been declining and the nearness of numerous different type of Protestants has been expanding (Green, 2012). Among the Puerto Rican Catholics, a little minority effectively practice some adaptation of Santeria (Green, 2012). Green (2012), Puerto Rican family and network elements have a broad Spanish impact and still will in general mirror the seriously man centric social association of European Spanish culture†(Puerto Rican Americans). The two people have solid jobs in childbearing and spot a high incentive on teaching their youngsters. Since we have investigated these four races, we can obviously comprehend the similitudes and contrasts between them. They have been gathered paying little heed to their cause since they share the Spanish language. We can be certain that Columbian Americans, Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Rican Americans make up an assorted ethnic gathering. Each race is extraordinary in their social customs about family and strict convictions. Their financial aspects, economic wellbeing, and political perspectives we investigated are just a little impression of what their identity is and how they live their lives in the United States. References Buffington, S. (2012). Nations and their Cultures. Recovered from Englekirk, A. Marin, M. (2012). Nations and their Cultures. Recovered from - Americans.html Green, D. (2012). Nations and their Cultures. Recovered from Schaefer, R. T. (2006). Racial and Ethnic Groups (6th ed.). Recovered from University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Sturner, P. (2012). Nations and their Cultures. Recovered from
Explore the methods Shakespeare uses during Richard’s opening soliloquy to reveal his true character
Investigate the strategies Shakespeare utilizes during Richard’s opening discourse to uncover his actual character Investigate the strategies Shakespeare utilizes during Richard's initial discourse to uncover his actual characterShakespeare composed Richard's initial monologue when ElizabeththeFirst was on the throne.She was the extraordinary great little girl of Henry of Richmond. The monologue was set in 1845, during the War of the Roses which was between the groups of York and Lancaster. Shakespeare changes the procedures he uses to portray Richard as he utilizes gatherings of three, similar sounding word usage and representations to make a gigantic picture of Richard in the brains of the audience.Initially, in the initial area of the discourse, Shakespeare presents Richard as a glad man since he is commending his family's triumph over Lancaster. This is obvious in the initial area of the monologue when it says 'Now are our temples bound with successful wreaths, our wounded arms hung up for landmarks'. This shows how satisfied Richard is for the triumph. Likewise Shakespeare utilizes similar s ounding word usage in 'foreheads bound' to make extra effect.Earlier in the speech, Richard the Third appeared to be increasingly cheerful as he was all the while commending the triumph. This is obvious when it is said that 'Now is the winter of our discontent made great by this sun of York'. Shakespeareusesa metaphorhere to feature Richards see on Edward (sibling of Richard), the similitude utilized is 'sun', which is the thing that Richard alludes his sibling to. Shakespeare infers that Richard is alluding his sibling as 'sun' since he needs to underscore how splendid his sibling perhaps is. What's more, likewise inside 'Now is the late spring of our discontent', could imply that the hour of misery is past in this manner Richard at first appears to be a glad man. At this phase in the talk, the crowd would see Richard as a satisfied man.As we experience the monologue, the crowd has an alternate response...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Physics of Electric Guitars :: physics music guitar
Electric guitars assume a significant job in the present music. Without it, we would be left with the acoustic guitar, which has constrained volume, and a thin scope of sounds it can create. Seeing just precisely how the electric guitar functions isn't as natural similarly as with the acoustic. With this site, I endeavor to light up the information individuals have on the material science behind the electric guitar, since one can't value something, really, until he knows how it works. The Acoustic guitar, beginning from Spain, has been around since the 1500s. It wasn't till the 1920's with the coming of swing and enormous band music that artists required stronger instruments. The acoustic guitar, even with steel strings, was basically excessively peaceful. As of now, Los Angeles performers, George Beauchamp and John Dopyera began taking a shot at making sense of how to make the acoustic guitar stronger. After a couple of disappointments, Dopyera concocted the plan to put aluminum plates onto the body of the acoustic guitar. These plates would then resound and build the volume around 3 to multiple times. In 1927, the two established the National String Instrument Co., which licensed this resonator structure. Because of inward issues, Dopyera terminated Beauchamp in 1930 and afterward in the long run even sold the organization, protecting the resonator with his sibling under another organization named Dobro. Beauchamp, somewhat despondent about being terminated, embarked to make sense of an alternate method to build the volume of the guitar. Indeed, even previously, as ahead of schedule as 1925, he had been exploring different avenues regarding phonograph needles and delivered a solitary string electric guitar that would get the vibration in the string and transform it into sound. He at that point began trying different things with approaches to get the vibration of every one of the 6 strings, each string seperately. Following quite a while of experimentation he and Paul Barth built up a stirring get made of 2 pony shoe magnets and 6 curls of wire with electric flow going through them. With this new get, Beauchamp had Harry Watson cut a body for his first electric guitar. They considered this the Skillet because of its comparable shape. This was the main guitar fitted with an electric get. Around a similar time, Llyod Loar, acoustical architect for Gibson, had begun promoting another Spanish style acoustic electric guitar. Loar, celebrated for the mandolin, headed the development of Gibson liable for creating these guitars, named Vivi-Tone. This guitar really fizzled, however had left that acoustic guitars with electric pickups were the best approach for Gibson.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
5 Approaches to Be a Noteworthy Communicator and Tips to Be More Present in Conversations
5 Approaches to Be a Noteworthy Communicator and Tips to Be More Present in Conversations Communication is an important life skill that every individual must possess whether in a â€" personal or professional environment. Good communication can strengthen and enhance various mutual relationships in your life. A survey conducted by HubSpot demonstrates that more companies are looking to convert leads into sales as their #1 challenge. For effective sales, it’s imperative that your communication skills be at their potential best. Companies no longer consider employing recruits with poor communication skills even if they’ve got a stellar achievement record. In this article, we’ll learn various ideas on how to be more present in a conversation and how to effectively conduct a dialogue with your peers and senior-level managers. WHY GOOD COMMUNICATION IS IMPORTANT FOR A GOOD CAREERImagine walking into an interview room, handing over your files, and being completely dumbfounded when you know exactly what to say but just can’t convert it into words. While you may be the ri ght fit for the company as far as experience is concerned, the skills still need to be put into words and you need to charm your interviewer with your confidence if you have any chance of landing the job. Below are some of the top reasons to have great communication skills for your career.The Ability to Deliver a Good Speech for MotivationLet’s look at history and find out how important communication was. Martin Luther King Jr. was a phenomenal orator, he believed in his dream and could convert his enthusiasm for his dream into powerful words that swayed the public. If MLK Jr. didn’t possess great communication skills, it would be near impossible to make a positive global impact as he did. People wouldn’t know what his dream was about and without clear understanding, they wouldn’t have stood for what he believed in. Similarly, as an entrepreneur, if you have any chance of leading your employees to success, you need to be able to communicate with them in an effective manner. Effective communication can mean all the difference between dissatisfied employees and passionate ones. If there is someone in your company that is feeling unsupported, as a leader, it’s your job to boost their morale with words of confidence. It’s necessary to always mean what you say. True communication comes from the soul, if you truly stand for what you believe in, then your communication will resonate with the same grade of success.To effectively strengthen your communication ability. Ask yourself these following questions and you’ll immediately be able to pinpoint your major communicative weaknesses. Am I speaking loud enough for the other person to hear me? If the other person can hear me, are they able to understand what I am trying to convey? (language barrier, bad tone, etc.)Do I communicate openly, or do I hold myself back? (from prejudices, judgments, and expectations)Am I listening to the other person completely before I offer my thoughts on the subject?If the out come isn’t to my expectations, am I learning from my previous mistakes and improving my communication skills?Am I able to respect other people’s point of views before responding?Am I taking the responsibility of my message that I convey to others?Does my conversation hold any value to the topic in question?Is the listener not able to hold an interest in my conversation? (If so, where is the problem. Maybe the conversation went on for too long? Maybe it was irrelevant?) Skilled Communicators Earn Better IncomeCommunication is a great tool to negotiate your income. During an interview, good communication helps you take control of the steering wheel of the conversation and allows you to negotiate a price that you’re comfortable with. Along the way, you get to impress your interviewer enough to throw in a few extra employee benefits to your package and walk out of the interview feeling like a star.Let’s give you an example to prove this point. Jack and Tom are invited to Edelwei ss to be recruited as investment brokers. While both are equally qualified, Jack has better communication skills than Tom. Here’s how their conversation goes â€"Jack’s InterviewInterviewer: Hi, Jack. Welcome to Edelweiss.Jack: Thanks for having me. It’s an honor to be here.Interviewer: Let’s get down to business, Jack. I’m impressed by your skills I’d like to know how much pay you’re expecting to take home.Jack: I believe my past work speaks better than my own description of it. I’ve always enjoyed a pay hike of 30% from my previous employers and I’d like to stick to that number. As witnessed by my achievements, none of my employers ever had any regrets about paying me for my asking price due to my ability to bring them business in quick successions.Interviewer: Jack, we’re willing to give you a shot. We’ve accepted your terms. Great to have you onboard.Jack: Splendid! Looking forward to my job profiling on the joining date. Tom’s InterviewInterviewer: Welcom e to Edelweiss, Tom. Please have a seat. Tom: Sure. Interviewer: Your skillset looks great on paper and we believe you’ll make a fine employee at Edelweiss. Would you be willing to brief us on your expected pay and why exactly we should give you this amount? Tom: Not exactly sure what to expect, to be honest. Care to give me a starting offer to make up my mind?Interviewer: We’d like to offer you a pay package of 15% over your current pay without employee benefits. Tom: I think that sounds about right. I’ll take the job.Interviewer: We’ll have someone from the HR department reach out to you soon, Tom. Have a nice day.Same positions, different pay packages!All because Tom didn’t bother to negotiate nor converse with his interviewer. Let’s say the average pay for an investment broker a year is $40,000. A 30% hike for Jack means he gets a pay upgrade of $52000 from his previous job while Jack gets a measly $46000. That’s a difference of $6000 a year for the same job roles and this difference in salaries was created with a few words exchanged. Add to this, the company managed to deny Tom of valuable employee benefits. Another factor that helped Jack secure his pay upgrade was that he opened the negotiation package himself. Tom, however, allowed the interviewer to offer a starting amount. This ensures who took control of the steering wheel in the conversation.In Tom’s case, the interviewer was the better communicator and saved the company (Edelweiss) a good amount of funds.Is communication still relevant to your career? You be the judge.Communication as a tool to participate in Social NetworkingEvery one of us has interacted with our friends or family over social media at one point or the other. Networking platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Gmail Messenger, etc. are making it easier for us to be in touch, personally and professionally. It’s no wonder that the modern age requires a good command of our communication skills to network better with o thers. A survey was conducted with over 800 students involved to understand how social media affected communication and information. Most of the students were highly involved with social media and were dependent on information through these networking sites to help them make decisions in their lives. This survey highlighted that social media itself was a form of interaction and communication. Instead of using face-to-face instances of meeting others, the new generation utilizes digitals screens to interact with one another. Virtual relationships such as freelancers working for companies located in other countries, students being coached by online tutors, and even online dating tools are heavily relied upon by good communication skills. Take digital advertising, for example, you have a great brand idea but if you’re unable to communicate the idea on social-media to your users, you’ll be quick to fail. Social media communication is the need of the hour with a wide range of subscri bers able to connect to you with just a touch of a button. How well your business does depend on how well you can communicate your products and messages to your customers. Here’s a beginner checklist to communicate effectively with your social-media users. Feel free to add your own rules to the checklist as you go.Build your own voice, don’t copy a rival brandProject your brand in a positive lightKeep a short hashtagDon’t spam the same post to your users more than once a monthAlways spell checkUtilize video content for even effective communicationTry speaking to your users in a personalized video Utilize slides and images for colorful and bright interactive sessionsPolls and feedback forms are great ways to gain information Don’t forget communication isn’t just done by word-of-mouth. The new way of communication is how you project yourself or your brand to the world. By following the above rules, you create a head start for your brand/image by avoiding some of the biggest mistakes made by new entrepreneurs when starting out. Remember to keep it simple and only communicate what you truly believe in. 5 GREAT WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS1. Pay Attention to Your WordsTake a quick look at the below phrase and count the number of “F’s†in the given statement. We’d like you to complete the exercise in less than 5 seconds. Let’s begin â€" “Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years.â€If you’ve gotten anything less than 6 F’s, then you’re wrong. This simple exercise proves how quickly our brain omits certain obvious factors without realizing it. Similarly, communication requires complete concentration to achieve and takes years to improve upon. One of the simplest ways to improve communication is to listen to others before you speak. By really listening to the other person, you allow time for your brain to adapt to the conversation and thereby you’ll know exactly what you want to communicate to the other person. Never multitask when conversing with someone over the phone. Your brain is distracted between two activities and this can cause a massive communication gap for the individual on the phone. Set aside time to converse with your colleagues and clients. The same logic applies to email communication and talking on the phone simultaneously. You’ll mix up words that you type in the email and might also miscommunicate while conversing. It’s highly important to think before you speak. Here’s an exercise to help you be aware of what you say â€"Using a voice recorder, record yourself speaking as two individuals. One individual is an interviewer and the other is looking for a job. Give yourself ample time as this is a mock interview there’s no need to rush yourself. Some tips to assist with the conversation.Observe the words that come out of your mouthCount 1-to-5 before responding to the interviewerThe tone of the conversation is extremely impor tant Take time to formulate a responseResponse with the information you have in your mindNotice the different tones you use when shifting between interviewer and recruitEnsure your tone is polite and clearAfter responding, observe your words once againGauge the reactions of both conversationsOnce you’ve finished recording a 5-minute conversation. Play the recording all over again and use the above rules to check if you’ve been following them. If you find a lot of stutter and stammer, you haven’t been observing your words and have been responding before your brain has a chance to formulate a response. Remember to never be in a hurry to form your response. This leads to stuttering and can make you seem like a poor communicator. This exercise takes at least a month before you can start seeing positive results. Practice this exercise 3 times a week. Also compare your most recent conversation from the day you started the exercise to see how effective you’ve become at communicatin g. 2. Improve Body LanguageBody language plays a major role in how you communicate. Everybody’s body signal is communicated directly from the brain whether you want to or not. Sometimes, when we aren’t aware our body tends to act on its own while conversing. A simple example of this is â€" when you’re watching a football match with your friends and your team is on the losing side, you realize at the end of the game that you’ve bitten off your nails completely. Gestures such as these are signals that the brain sends to the body to react during an emotional response to a current situation. In this example, your brain was tensed and hence, reacted in a tensed fashion. Let’s break up body communicative gestures into positive and negative fields to give you a better idea.Positive Body SignalsA stiff upper body that is upright while sittingShaking hands in a confident mannerA pleasant smile on the face during a greetingMaintaining eye-to-eye contact with the person you’re conv ersing withHands can either be folded or left loose when standingMaintain hands on the table surface just enough for the individual to see themWalk in an upright manner with a broad chest and a straight backNegative Body SignalsUncharismatic smile or failing to smile during a greetingLooking around the room when someone is speaking to youEasily distracted during a conversationBiting your nails when nervousMaintaining a sitting position with your leg on top of the otherWalking with a hunch and your head facing downwardChewing gum during a formal conversationNot able to maintain eye contact with the converser Fidgeting your shoulders from time to timeA slumped sitting position Occasionally moving your hands towards the back of your head and making an itching motionEven if you’ve got great vocal skills, it can translate negatively if you’ve managed to perform even one or two actions among the “Negative Body Signals†list. A good posture demonstrates a confident individual. A go od way to improve your body signals is to take a chair and sit in front of a mirror. Here you can make changes to your postures by referring to the “Positive Body Signals†list.When your body posture is in sync with effective vocal skills, you’re already on your way to becoming a great communicator and may even be complemented by your colleagues for being an outstanding communicator with great body skills. We’ll learn more about body gestures in the next section â€"Nonverbal Communication.3. Nonverbal CommunicationNot all communication happens with audible sounds and body gestures. Nonverbal communication is a form of communication where there isn’t anything said, and it utilizes physical movements, colors, signs, symbols, signals, attitudes, and feelings to express what you truly want to say. This type of communication is extremely prevalent in the modern world. Let’s break down nonverbal communications into their types to better understand this term. 1. Facial Expressi onsA common form of nonverbal communication. When we smile at our friends without saying a word, we communicate to them that we’re extremely happy to see them. When we raise both our eyebrows after reading the newspaper, we are surprised by the events unfolding. Similarly, when we watch a horror movie and are walking alone at night, our faces begin to show signs of discomfort to demonstrate fear. In this form of communication, the face is an important point that indicates our moods and emotions to the other person. Thus, it’s important to always have a smiling face when greeting others or when receiving information from others. A smile is one of the best ways to keep a conversation as positive as you can.2. Para-linguisticHave you ever seen a speech given out live by an exceptional orator? Notice how his voice reverberates and he can charm the masses with his majestic tone and swashbuckling choice of words. This form of nonverbal communication deals with the following vocal elem ents â€"RhythmLoudnessTonePitchInflectionFor example â€" Imagine a teacher that isn’t loud or has a monotone when explaining a topic to the students. The students will experience a state of boredom with no active modulation to the teacher’s voice and will begin to laze around. In this way, para-linguistic skills can be a powerful communicator when you’re able to master it.3. SilenceConfused? Don’t be! Silence is just as useful for communication as a vocal sound. Being silent allows the other person to understand effectively what has just been said. Other times, when someone is silent, it often means he or she hasn’t understood the topic in question and this is one way of communicating ignorance.4. TouchA simple hug can communicate warmth and love from one another. By shaking hands with your peers, you show them respect. Touch is an important communicator and is extremely important to master for exceptional communication skills. A great example of touch-based communication is when someone touches you from behind in a crowded street to request you to give them the way to pass. 5. Physical AppearanceThe way you appear and dress are important features to effective communication. Wearing jeans and a t-shirt to an interview will immediately get your rejected. This is because you’ve communicated to the interviewer that the job isn’t worth your time and dressing up in formals wasn’t necessary. Another example of physical appearance is when you’re in a hospital and see a person in a lab coat, you automatically assume the person to be a doctor. A dress is an important communicator and serves the purpose without any audible dialogue.6. Visual CommunicationWhen most of the communication is conversed using visual aids, it’s called visual communication. One of the best examples is the signboards on the road. When you witness a yellow radiation symbol on a factory, you immediately come to know that the place ahead is filled with radioactive material and i s unsafe for civilians to enter. Now that you understand nonverbal communication. It’s time to put it to test. Answer the following questions as “Nonverbal†or “Verbal†form of communication to validate your communicational knowledge. You can check for the answers below the quiz.Screaming loudly at the sight of a spider Being distracted in class when your teacher is explaining a topicShowing facial disgust when your mom asks you to clean the roomHugging your brother on his birthdayGossiping with your colleague during lunch timeA news anchor broadcasting newsA deaf man using sign language Telephonic conversation with a friendCrying tears of joy after witnessing a happy endingLaughing at a comedy showNow let’s see how much you understand about nonverbal and verbal communication. Refer to the answers below.The Cheat Sheet Nonverbal CommunicationNonverbal CommunicationNonverbal CommunicationNonverbal CommunicationVerbal CommunicationVerbal CommunicationNonverbal Communicatio nVerbal CommunicationNonverbal CommunicationNonverbal Communication4. The Art of Timing Timing is an advanced form of communication but important nonetheless. You’ve undoubtedly heard of how comedians and motivational speakers get interrupted all the time by pranksters in the crowd that want to yell out a comment to distract them from their subject. Sometimes, the comedian or speaker usually yells back with a witty comeback and the whole audience erupts in laughter and applause. This is an example of timing in conversation.As a leader in your company, it’s extremely critical for you to develop adequate skills in timing your deliveries. You want to start with a problem, discuss the problem, and demonstrate how the problem can be a long-term issue between gaining profits for the company and a loss for the company. Finally, at the end of the speech, you deliver a solution to the problem and your employees are impressed at how well you’ve managed to converse them into understandin g the problem, seeing the problem, and witnessing a solution to the problem in a single speech. Here are effective tips to maintain conversational timing â€" 1. Maintain a timeframeWhen you know exactly how much time you’ve got to present a speech, it’ll make it easier for you to communicate with your audience. A timeframe allows you to discuss the topic in length while coming down to the solution at the right time, so your audience is mesmerized. Without a timeframe, you quickly lose track of what you wished to discuss and might jumble up the scripts that you’d spent hours rehearsing.2. Meet the audience’s expectationsTo maintain the art of timing, it’s important to understand to write conversational scripts based on what the audience needs from you. For example â€" If you’re presenting a series of image slides to your senior managers. It’s important to explain clearly and in an informative manner as to why each slide makes the cut to the big screen. Don’t waste peo ple’s time with unnecessary information that isn’t relevant to the topic of the debate. The art of timing is all about valuing people’s time and presenting your conversation in a step-by-step approach.3. Cut to the Big FinaleIf you’ve got a splendid topic to discuss at length, don’t bore your audience repeating the same statement all over again in different lengths and variations. Move on to the climax portion of the conversation and unveil the grand finish. This way when the curtains go down, you’ll be at the positive end of an applause. 5. Stories are Powerful ScriptsAs kids, when our parents used to read us a fairytale, we were completely engrossed by the stories. Ever wondered why? It’s because people love stories â€"it’s that simple! A story allows us to forget reality and immerse ourselves completely in it. Information, when told in a straightforward manner, is completely boring for someone to process and hence, it doesn’t really register to us on an emotiona l level. However, if the same information is recreated and told as a story with lots of entertaining bits, we suddenly stop and listen until the climax unveils. So, do you need to be a novelist or an author to weave perfect stories every time? Not at all, a story doesn’t necessarily contain dragons and princesses and all the magical voodoo behind it. A story is simply a constructed version of events told in an entertaining fashion to the listener. Let’s understand this with an example. Jake is an employee at a reputed company and has turned up late to work. He’s now been summoned to the boss’s chambers to explain his reason for the lack of punctuality. Here’s Jake’s boring and straightforward version for being late â€"Jake: I apologize, sir. I’ve been stuck in traffic for the past hour and couldn’t make it in time. It won’t happen again. Boss: I don’t believe your stories, Jake. It’s the third time you’ve been late this week. Another time, and you’ll find y ourself looking for a job.Jake: I understand. It won’t happen again, sir.Here’s Jake coming up with a story for his delay â€"Jake: Sir, the most fascinating thing happened to me today. I got out from the bed and realized that my window had blue fingerprints. Not one to believe in fairytales I begin to investigate the issue when I found a mysterious trail of fingerprints leading up to my son’s room. Boss: And?Jake: After following the trail, I found out that my 3-year old son had been playing with watercolors and had landed in my room last night. He tried to push the windows to reach out to the birds on the other side and had made the entire house a mess in the process. Boss: That’s adorable, JakeJake: By the time, I cleaned up the mess and drove beyond the traffic, I’ve managed to miss 15 minutes of work. I truly apologize for my situation, but the real culprit is my son. If pronounced, I’ll bring the guilty rascal to the office tomorrow for his punishment. Boss: Ha-ha, that won’t be necessary Jake. Hope to see you on time from now on. Jake used humor as a weapon to diffuse the situation with his boss in the 2nd scenario. While in the first scenario, his boss expected him to come up with a silly excuse and Jake did exactly that with no effort to cover up for his mistake. Communication is key in turning an ugly scenario into a completely amusing one. Humor is a great addon to a story to entertain the listener. FINAL THOUGHTSGreat communicators understand that if they don’t read patterns in communications, a long-term misunderstanding can be created. Hence, the right alignment of words, the tone of voice, and body language all play a vital role in effective communication. One of the most overlooked factors is not paying attention to nonverbal communication. Don’t do that!
Monday, June 22, 2020
Characteristics Of Franchising Business Research Assignment - 3300 Words
Characteristics Of Franchising Business Research Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: FRANCHISING BUSINESSBy (Name)(Course)(Tutor)(University)(Date)Franchising Business 1 Characteristics of franchising businessIt is worthwhile to know something before describing its make-ups. Franchising business is that type of business whereby the franchisors sell their business identity like name, logo, and model to another person preferably a third party, franchisee. McDonalds and Subway are some examples of franchise business. They are multinational businesses which operate globally. Due to this reason, it is prudent to be included in this assignment as it involves international and global marketing. It is through the course that one will be able to clearly classify this type of business as international venture. The concept covers a wide area of business transactions. It is a distribution system in which a sole franchisee distributes products to a franchisors designed area of operation. The franchisee is given a particular area as per contract dictates with a vie w of promoting sales in a particular manner in the specified location. It is more of a license which allows an individual or firm to operate or sell specified products in a confined environment as stated by the contractual agreement (Jupe Funnell 2017, pg.852).Franchising business has distinctive characteristics that make it unique. It falls in the category of well- established businesses. It is kind of readymade which only needs slight expansion in a different market. Its expansion will large be dependent on the local representatives who have market experiences and secrets of the business environment in a given place. For instance, Subway is already big and known worldwide but its expansion in a particular nation like United Kingdom will depend on agents and other representatives in UK. A business franchise needs a little bit of limited investment. This can be due to the fact that most of the business have large background of investment which limits additional input of resources. Actually, excess investment without thorough analysis is detrimental to any firms profit maximization. It means that resource utilization is compromised thus directly affect the overall performance of the whole organization. This calls for strategic decision making while it comes to investment, especially the capital one or else the firm will become bankrupt.Entry in the new markets is made easy and possible because the firms are few in number and location. There is no market dominance like other business types such as merchandising and hospitality. The entry needs only a few and unique requirements like goodwill and reputation. The firm will develop and increase in its productivity level due to its good reputation it has with relevance to customer satisfaction. In most cases, such firms have great ethical comments thus helps in creating good rapport with various stakeholders hence goodwill is achieved. Franchise business is usually easily accepted in the market. This type of busine ss has large establishments like McDonalds. They have a vast area of operation combined with several networks in different places in the world. It is through the local representatives network that different products reach to their customers in a timely manner.The secret of franchise business is the spread of risk. It has different warehouses spread across the world to reduce the risk of losses. Many countries have different rules and laws pertaining to the business operation, since franchise business is international and global, it has a leeway in operating in most places due to its diversity. It has incorporated different cultures which come in a different perspective of doing business hence unity in diversity is promoted. Expounding on the same, large turnover is always evident in most franchise businesses. This is attributed to the large volume of sales that the company usually involve itself in. The society in general get psyched up by the management of the franchisor as well as the franchisees skills. The root gaining of this type of business relies on the brand name as well as bumper publicity.In most instances, the business has a distinctive differentiation of labor and specialization. It often results in certain aspect of division of labor due to its size and operation. To a given extent, it follows the unity of command to the latter in order for it to function efficiently and effectively. Most of the time franchisor usually concentrates on production while distribution and unit service level is done by the franchisee. This helps in role defining as no party overrides the responsibilities of the other. The business is usually based on mutual agreement between the franchisor and the franchisee. In an attempt of dispute avoidance, agreement is often drafted in a detailed manner that sets clear reasons and intentions to it. The agreement must adhere to the terms and conditions of franchising. Franchise business needs a long-term relationship with its cont inuity and success (Wu et al., 2015, pg.864). Both the parties have to remain committed to their binding agreement which always rewards.Makes of a business becoming a FranchiseFranchise business can be made by several things. The aforementioned business must operate under a specific law preferably in the country it is located. This is because it involves selling of products or brand name whose acquisition will affect the customers who are the citizens of a given country. The nation has to ensure that any business operating with its territory is good and affects its citizens positively. In most of the time, businesses like this flourish because of their lower operation cost since they tend to follow the law within their jurisdiction to the latter. They have simpler management because franchisees are always responsible for their actions and ensure that act in accordance with the Franchise Agreement as well as Operating Manual. Most of the managers are franchisees hence require less de tailed management required by employees of the firm thus cut the cost of duplication of duties.The franchise business like McDonalds has an attribute of greater commitment. Most franchisees know that they have invested in the business and benefit directly as well for its success hence they will put all their energies to get value from the business . It is due to this reason that puts forth the uniqueness of this type of business. They have better market penetration in big cities and command great market dominance. This feature brings out the uniqueness of the business as many firms concentrate on a single market segment thus neglecting other portions which is exactly opposite for a franchise business. When they have better market penetration, their expansion is accelerated to a given level that these other ordinary businesses have no that capacity.Franchise business has a great international potential which accrues to it several advantages. It has a unique feature like Master Franc hising has the capacity of replication whereby a model in the USA can be used in another country, for example, The United Kingdom. The system has its language which customizes business as well some legal requirements. As earlier indicated, it is being run by franchisees of which minimizing the recruitment process and criteria. This explains why most of the franchise businesses do not recruit regularly or made their vacancy available for the public to be selected.Methods of Marketing and Selling FranchiseIt is good and best for the firm if it let prospective customers know the value they usually add to products or services. It is really difficult for prospective customers to have knowledge concerning a particular product or service unless they are made to and this the role of marketing and selling. A franchise business ought to have a marketing and selling department so as to increase its revenue base (Kacker et al., 2016 pg.524). The business has different ranges of marketing its ac tivities. Advertisement method using print media or mass media like Television networks helps in creating awareness of the existence and operations of the business. However, the world has turned into a global village whereby the old methods of operation cannot apply therefore creativity and innovation is called for. A creative innovative advertising campaign across different platforms in different places will surely realize best return on investment. For instance, creating a mobile app with minimal subscription feel will be substantial as majority of people globally at least have smart phone.Direct mail like e-newsletters and drip email campaigns that the franchise business can use to access to its esteemed customers. The firm has to have an effective sales process system that will enable it to effectively account for the reorder and order points which will help in market sustainability. There are different methods of sales for a franchise firm like person-to-person, phone sales, an d telemarketing. Promotions like sweepstakes or customer appreciation dinner for attracting both new and existing buyers for commitment in the firms products or services. Enhancing public relations like press releases relating to the operation of the company and its plans for its customers. An online marketing platform whereby the firm puts forth its profile of activities then refer customers for more information and enquiries. The firm can outsource for consultation if it does not have the capacity of marketing and selling its products and services (Mbah 2017, pg. 41). 2 Critical Analysis of McDonalds using PESTEL AnalysisPESTEL is an acronym of Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors that affect the operation of McDonalds. McDonalds in a political environment because of its international nature. It has to operate in countries which have their own policies like t...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Personal Statement Of The Problem - 1144 Words
Statement of the Problem Introduction Imagine for a moment, awakening everyday and being told by everyone around you, that you were born to fail- that you are nothing and that no matter what you do or what you say, you will mess up. How may believing that you can not succeed at anything impact your daily performance? Now in contrast, imagine awakening daily and being told by everyone around you that you were born to thrive and to succeed- that you were born for an amazing purpose, and that you can not only do anything you set your mind to, but that you can do it better than anyone else. Imagine the impact these two opposing approaches would have on your life. According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary (2003), confidence is defined as, â€Å"a†¦show more content†¦In this study, two basketball teams were analyzed, one of which was consistently encouraged by their leader who demonstrated confidence in his team. In contrast, the other team’s leader consistently demonstrated lack of confidence in his team and undermined their abilities. From this it was found that when individuals had a leader that believed in their abilities, that the individuals within the team became confident in their own abilities, and consistently outperformed the other team and were more successful in performance. This study can be directly compared to a study published in 2002 in the North American Journal of Psychology. A psychologist by the name of Dr. Lisa Smith sought to study if any correlation existed between an individual’s confidence level and their performance on exams. The individuals in this study were asked to rate themselves on a numerical scale on multiple factors that collectively depicted an overall level of confidence. Not only was a positive correlation found between confidence levels and performance levels, but perhaps more interesting was that when this was analyzed more closely, there was no greater knowledge base found between the two populations of students being studied. Th us, after additional analysis it was deduced that the confident individuals had less anxiety in regards to test taking, and thus outperformed the diffident individuals
Monday, May 18, 2020
Maria Montessori - 1367 Words
Maria Montessori Maria Montessori was a famous doctor and teacher; she was the first woman to graduate from the University of Rome La Sapienza Medical School, and she was one of the first female physicians in Italy. Montessori worked with children for most of her life; teaching them, observing them, and taking care of them; her theory was: â€Å"Children teach themselves if only we will dedicate ourselves to the self-creating process of the child (Gordon and Brown 13-336).†She believed that if children did things step by step, they could do anything; she called this the sequential steps of learning (Gordon and Brown 13-336). According to Gordon and Brown, the Montessori concept is both a philosophy of child development and a†¦show more content†¦She noticed that children liked using things that were their own size, so she designed her school around the size of the children. Maria Montessori’s observations of the children helped her to form her philosophy and program. Because of Montessori’s background in medicine, and because she seemed to know exactly what children needed, people in Italy readily accepted her philosophy. Montessori is a huge part of early childhood today; most all of the materials, teaching techniques, and equipment that we use stemmed from her methods and philosophy. She estimated that children need to have a prepared environment, meaning a learning environment adapted to the specific characteristics of children of all ages. It was her belief that if a child had a prepared environment, then the child would be able to develop independence in all areas according to the child’s psychological state. She concluded that the environment should have order, beauty and harmony, cleanliness, be constructed in proportion to the child’s needs, and be arranged so that children could move and be active. If you walk into an early childhood room today, most, if not all, of these characteristics are exhibited. Mo ntessori’s contributions to early childhood that we continue to use today also include; adapting school work to the individual rather than molding the child to fit the curriculum, insisting on freedom for children in selection of materials and choice of activities, and trainingShow MoreRelatedMaria Montessori1086 Words  | 5 PagesThe Montessori Philosophy Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was truly a radical in terms of her philosophy regarding children and the fact that she was putting it forward at a time when children were most often thought of as extensions of their parent, their parents beliefs and culture, and a creature to be shaped in ways that would create an appropriate and successful adult based on those beliefs. The collective consciousness regarding childrearing was that it was important to replicateRead MoreMaria Montessori1462 Words  | 6 PagesMaria Montessori Julianne Perry ECE101: Introduction to Early Childhood Education Monica Kelly June 13, 2011 Thesis: Maria Montessori s way of learning is very unique; her theory was for children learn in a natural and parent-supported environment. Outline I. Education of Montessori 1. First woman to receive a Medical Degree in Italy A. Studied psychiatry, education and anthropology. B. Worked, wrote and spoke for children with special needs 2. Many schoolsRead MoreMaria Montessori And The Montessori Method1656 Words  | 7 Pages Maria Montessori was born on August 1870, in a small town in Italy. She was the first woman to obtain her medical degree, which was in 1896. She was intended to challenge the trust of Educations worldwide. In 1906, Maria Montessori worked with handicap children and decided to open her first school, called Casa dei Bambini, which meant Children’s House. She is the founder of education called Montessori Method. The Montessori method teaches children to learn through the work that they do. She isRead MoreDr Maria Montessori1464 Words  | 6 PagesModule 1 1. Discuss life and work of Dr. Maria Montessori and why is she referred to as a lady much ahead of her time? * Dr. Maria Montessori was born in Italy in 1870. Most of her life was spent in Rome. Her father Ale jandro was an accountant in government services. Her mother, Renilde , had good education for a woman of her time and was more open to the many transformations that affected daily life at the end of the 19th Century. Maria Montessori, an only child, she was a vivacious, strong-willedRead MoreDiscoveries of Maria Montessori1790 Words  | 8 Pages2. What are the discoveries of Dr. Maria Montessori ? Dr. Maria Montessori was a keen observer of children. She used her observational and experimental proclivities from her medical background to develop, what we might today call, a Constructivist understanding of the process of learning. She studied them scientifically. If she saw some unusual behavior in a child, she would say,†I won’t believe it now, I shall if it happens again†. She studied the conditions in which the children would performRead MoreNormalization: Maria Montessori2025 Words  | 9 PagesIn Montessori education, the term â€Å"normalization†has a specialized meaning. â€Å"Normal†does not refer to what is considered to be â€Å"typical†or â€Å"average†or even â€Å"usual†. â€Å"Normalization†does not refer to a process of being forced to conform. Instead, Maria Montessori used the terms â€Å"normal†and â€Å"normalization†to describe a unique process she observed in child developme nt. Normalization refers to the focus, concentration and independence of the child, by his own choice. It means the child has acquiredRead MoreMaria Montessori and Environment2607 Words  | 11 Pagesself-construction, which had been interrupted, is now taken up again, as nature has intended all along.†E.M Standing, Maria Montessori: her life and work, pg 174 Learning, by itself, cannot happen without concentration. Whether we are learning to tie our shoes, write our name, wash a car or solve complex algebraic equations, there is intense concentration specific to the task at hand. Dr. Maria Montessori understood the power of concentration, and her methodology is designed to nurture this power. ConcentrationRead MoreEssay on Who is Maria Montessori3824 Words  | 16 Pagesï » ¿Practical Life Rationale Paper 1. Who is Maria Montessori? Please give a brief description of her life. Maria Montessori was the founder of the Montessori approach to education, she was born in Italy in 1870. As a teenager she was an engineer, but later she studied her favor major of medicine. Graduated as Italys first female medical practitioner she embarked on a career in mental health. Following on from this she was asked to head up a childcare project for a social housing initiative andRead MoreMaria Montessori Essay780 Words  | 4 PagesMaria Montessori was considered ahead of her time. She was born in Chiaravalle, in the province of Ancona, Italy in 1870 to an educated but not wealthy family. Despite her fathers wishes and societys conservative ways at the time, she studied science. She was the first female physician in Italy when she graduated medical school in 1896. She worked mostly with the poor because she saw vast potential in them. She was an unselfish person and she traveled Italy speaking of womens rights and childRead MoreMaria Montessori Education Essay1052 Words à ‚ | 5 PagesMaria Montessori was born on August 31,1870†¯in†¯Chiaravalle, Marche, Italy to a financial manager father and an educated mother who highly valued education. Due to this, Montessori was a properly educated woman with a talent and passion for†¯higher education†¯which was extremely unusual for an Italian woman during her time. In†¯the†¯19th†¯century there was much controversy on whether children belonged in the work field or in the classroom. Based on their families†¯social class†¯a child would either go work
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Triangular Phillips Curve Model Essay - 2275 Words
The triangular Phillips Curve which was proposed by Gordon (1996) states that the factors cause inflation can be summarized as demand pull, cost push and inflation inertia. Similarly, Gal and Gertler (1999) construct the a kind of hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve model and claim that the main factors that affect inflation are the excess aggregate demand, inflation expectation and inflation inertia. In reality, the determinants of inflation are very complex, and the most common four mechanisms of production are stated as follows: 1) Demand pull type. Excessive growth in aggregate demand leads to too much money chasing too few goods. 2) Cost push type. The inflation is caused by the increase in the cost of production and the general level of the price rise. 3)Inflation inertia, that is, once the inflation formed, it will continue for a period of time. 4) Expectation of inflation. Economic activity participants can make a judgment and estimate on the future trend of inflation to get the formation of inflation expectations, which lead to the current increase in the price level. In the paper of Batini (2005), the theoretical and empirical relationship between the share of labour and inflation in the U.K. was explored, which based on the theory of Cobb–Douglas the New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC). The labour share was examined to be as a useful indicator on measuring the inflationary pressures of the U.K. There was a stable relationship between the informationShow MoreRelatedThe Researches About The Causes Of Inflation Essay2290 Words  | 10 Pages2.3 The researches about the causes of inflation 2.3.1 The theoretical explains of inflation causes The triangular Phillips Curve which was proposed by Gordon (1996) states that the factors cause inflation can be summarized as demand pull, cost push and inflation inertia. Similarly, Gal and Gertler (1999) construct the a kind of hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve model and claim that the main factors that affect inflation are the excess aggregate demand, inflation expectation and inflation inertiaRead MoreInflation Is An Important Issue For Both Monetary Policy Makers And The Phillips Curve By John M. Roberts3648 Words  | 15 Pagesarguments that some model of pricing fail to explain the persistence. This paper summarizes two papers: inflation persistence by Jeff Fuhrer and George Moore and New Keynesian Economics and the Phillips Curve by John M. Roberts. We are going to follow the idea of Roberts (1995) and use the model in â€Å"Monetary Theory and Policy†second edition written by Carl E. Walsh. Section 1 gives the reason why inflation persistence is important. And also briefly introduce three different models that are summarizedRead MoreThree Principles Describe How Economy as a Whole Works11284 Words  | 46 Pagesimpact on the market price. 2. Here is an example of a monthly demand schedule for pizza: Price of Pizza Slice $0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 Number of Pizza Slices Demanded 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 another along the same demand curve. 3. Here is an example of a monthly supply schedule for pizza: Price of Pizza Slice $0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 Number of Pizza Slices Supplied 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Coconuts Gathered Figure 1 2. Crusoe’sRead MoreLenovo and Ibm23938 Words  | 96 Pageslicensing, a firm that enters into a joint venture may risk giving control of its technology or competitive advantage to its partner. Second, the venture does not give a firm the tight control over subsidiaries that it might need to realize experience curve or location economies, nor does the tight control over a foreign subsidiary that it might need for engaging in coordinated global attacks to its rivals. Third, the shared ownership arrangement may lead to conflicts and battles for control between concerned
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
01-Rowe-45233.qxd 3/26/2007 12:53 PM Page 1 1 LEADERSHIPâ€â€WHAT IS IT? CEOs tell us that their most pressing need is for more leaders in their organizationsâ€â€not the consummate role-players who seem to surround them. â€â€Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones G ary Yukl (2006) defines leadership as â€Å"the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives†(p. 8). Peter Northouse (2007) defines leadership as â€Å"a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.†These definitions suggest several components central to the phenomenon of leadership.†¦show more content†¦Both are required for there to be a leadership process. Within this process, both leaders and followers have an ethical responsibility to attend to the needs and concerns of each other; however, because this casebook is about leadership, we will focus more on the ethical responsibility of leaders toward their followers. Finally, it needs to be said that leaders are not better than followers, nor are they above followers. On the contrary, leaders and followers are i ntertwined in a way that requires them to be understood in their relationship with each other and as a collective body of two or more people (Burns, 1978; Dubrin, 2007; Hollander, 1992). In the previous paragraphs, leadership has been defined, and the definitional aspects of leadership have been discussed. In the next few paragraphs, several other issues related to the nature of leadership will be discussed: how trait leadership is different from leadership as a process, how emergent and appointed leadership are different, and how coercion, power, and management are different from leadership. Trait Versus Process Statements such as â€Å"She is a born leader†and â€Å"He was born to lead†imply a perspective toward leadership that is trait based. Yukl (2006) states that the trait approach â€Å"emphasizes leaders’ attributes such as personality, motives, values, and skills.Show MoreRelatedLeadership : What Is Leadership?2170 Words  | 9 PagesWhat is leadership? Having good leadership is necessary for any organization. Definitions of leadership are varied. It is a fundamental element within society that has attracted the interest of thousands of scientists, historians, and philosophers for hundreds of years, yet none of them can decide upon its meaning. 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This definition is definitely not one that I would ascribe to when discussing leadership. My definition of leadership is â€Å"the ability someone has to motivate and empower others to achieve a goal.†Some may add to this definition, others may discard it altogether and have a compl etely different definition. In the end, leadership takesRead MoreWhat Is Ethical Leadership?948 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is ethical leadership? Before answering the question, let s look at the definition of ethics and leadership. According to the Oxford dictionary ethics is defined as moral principles that govern a persons or groups behavior. Moreover, the Oxford Dictionary defines the word leadership as follow â€Å"the action of leading a group of individuals or an organization. Ethical and moral leadership are related to concepts such as trust, honesty, consideration and more. 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Trust as the Essence of Leadership Trust, which is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary of English Language (2011) as â€Å"the firm belief in the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing†, has different dimensions. Robbins and Coulter (2012) identified the five dimensions of the concept of trust as being, integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty and openness. These dimensions are all crucial elements in the functionality of an organization. The persons within an organizationRead MoreImportance Of Religious Leadership And What It Is Not1373 Words  | 6 PagesLeadership Integration Paper The intent of this paper is to define religious leadership and what religious leadership is; what it is not. Explain how the understanding of religious leadership has changed throughout one’s career. It will also discuss roles and responsibilities of religious leadership as a company grade Chaplain and field grade Chaplain. Finishing by discussing what emotional intelligence in leadership looks like through the lens of being a religious leader. To understand whatRead MoreWhat Makes A Effective Leadership?862 Words  | 4 Pagesunderstanding what effective leadership requires and how to get better ethical outcomes in the workplace. The readings present informative aspects of what constitutes an effective leadership and in my opinion a guide to the real world, for ethical decision making. Indeed shaping oneself to become a leader is not an overnight process, one requires great patience and time to develop strong leadership styles to help harness the followers skills and talents they bring to an organization. The leadership styles
Welcome to South Africa Free Essays
Welcome 2 ZA, welcome 2 massive poverty, obscene inequality such horrible outbreaks of disease, murder, rape, malnutrition, suicide, HIV Aids, homelessness scale breaking numbers of orphans. Welcome 2 the harsh reality of raging racism the still glowing embers of slavery; the prison of poverty. Poverty defined is the deprivation of those things that determine the quality of life, including food, shelter, clothing safe drinking water, but also intangibles such as the opportunity to learn the respect of fellow citizens. We will write a custom essay sample on Welcome to South Africa or any similar topic only for you Order Now Could you imagine living day in, day out, without any of these? Many people in ZA live without any of these things. Perhaps this is why they are only expected to live to 50. Every 10 seconds someone dies of some unquestionable reason that in our society we would find totally unacceptable. Racism is another factor which is adding 2 the instability of ZA. By its simplest definition racism is the belief that racial differences produce a clear superiority over a particular race, religion, colour, ethnic origin or group. Certain sections of society maybe denied rights or benefits, or get special treatment. Before 1994 in apartheid ZA people were classified according to the colour of their skin. The history of racism in ZA is appalling, for example in 1836 inadmissible human zoos were set up to parade the black people which they labelled ‘niggers and savages’. They were forced to do things with no clothes on and beaten to near death if they refused to do so. White skinned people thought they were of more value than a dark skinned person. They honestly believed that dark skinned peoples only use was to slave for them. When a problem occurred it was the black persons fault. Personally I feel that this frame of mind is arrogant and stupid, but also ironic. How can you call someone ‘coloured’ when black, brown and white are all colours. The apartheid was a list of restricting rules imposed upon the blacks to segregate them from white people. When it was removed individuals who had previously supported apartheid publicly apologised, including F W de Klerk. He said â€Å"I apologise in my capacity as leader to the millions who suffered wrenching disruption of forced removals; who suffered the shame of being arrested for no reason; who over the decades suffered the indignities and humiliation of immense racial discrimination. As expected the years and years of anger at being constantly humiliated exploded and fears that the change of power in ZA would be violent were confirmed. It was here that the song ‘Beeko’ was released by Peter Gabriel which repeated ‘when I try to sleep at night, I can only dream in red, the outside world is black and white with only one colour – dead’. All of this has supposedly passed and now according to the image the govt portrays the country is fine. I know from times out there that this wound has not completely healed. It still very much black and white in many situations. There are black schools, white schools, black shops, white shops, and black houses are of poor quality whereas white houses are of normal, even spectacular standards. I went into shanty towns where houses are made of iron, wood and rubbish. Sidney Smith said †It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little†. Taking out food to kids who are the same age as my cousins and younger, who are orphaned, starving and sometimes HIV positive, even dying, changes your view on the world. If they were born into our country they wouldn’t have had these problems. We live in a society where people cannot see just how much they have, but also how much they take for granted. If Gov. like ours all over the developed country world gave a little money to ZA the poverty wheel would could end and the turmoil would be left behinf. Money CANNOT sort out everything. Perhaps if wealthy, stable and lawed coutries showed compassion to the younger generation of ZA who have not seen the horrors of their relatives past the world would change. This is the generation which will change Africa. KOFEEE ANNAN said â€Å"things get better when enough people decide they should. Things change when countries come together in a common purpose†The time to act is NOW. There are many things that could b done 2 correct the injustice. There are things even you and me can do. To quote HILLELL â€Å"If now is not the time to act, when will it b†How to cite Welcome to South Africa, Papers
Business Idea and Components of Business-
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Idea and Components of Business Model. Answer: Introduction The business idea that I have chosen for the new venture is an organic product line and a movable organic food delivery service. The risk of obesity is increasing in Australia; according to statistics around 63% adults are overweight and suffering from obesity (AIHW, 2017). This has led to the demand of healthy and chemical free food products which can contribute in developing healthy eating which will result into a healthier lifestyle. My business idea includes organic products which will include organic food products such as cold pressed juices, organic snacks, vegetables, fruits and organic baby food products. Food delivery market has been growing at a rapid pace over these years. Every individual is willing to pay more for the sake of convenience and saving time. According to the data, Australian audience visit fast food outlet 51.5 million time per month, which has significantly increases the risk of diabetes and other heart diseases (Campbell, 2016). This has generated the need for healthier eating outlets (BBC, 2017). The food delivery service will be initiated in a van which will be placed at major outlets of the city. The ingredients used will be organic and fair trade marked. Fair trade products will not only help the business to achieve sustainability but also improve the lives of farmers (Foe, 2017). The Food delivery service will include breakfast, lunch and dinner boxed meal which will be healthy and tasty. Organic food is many times associated with green vegetables and that is why kids and adults dont find them tempting enough to switch them with their fast food options. But the menu of the organic food will consist of variety of delicious and healthier options which can attract the crowd. Business Model Components: A business model shows the how an organization will operate into the future, what will be their main business, how they will approach the target audience etc. The components of business model with respect to my business idea are: Product and services: The product line that will be offered by the new business venture is organic food products and organic meal services by a food delivery van. They will provide the meal boxes of Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Value proposition: With the increased consumption of fast food among the Australian public has led to the increase in the demand for the organic and healthy food products. The organic products will be fair trade marked and the ingredients will be of organic grade quality. Target Market segment: The target market for the food delivery service will be office going individuals because they are not able to cook a healthy three time meals for themselves due to lack of time and fast paced corporate life. As a result they rely on fast food which increases potential health risk. The target market for organic products will be every individual of Australia. The range of products will satisfy the need of adult, babies and senior age people. Distribution channel: The distribution channel for the food delivery service will be through delivery vans placed at every convenient location of the city. From malls to parks, the food will be available to everyone. The reason for choosing a van rather than a caf is because the venture is new; deliver van is a more feasible option than a caf. Organic food is generally priced on a higher side than the fast food. In order to persuade people to try out menu options the operation cost should be controlled so that they dont reflect in the food prices. The distribution channel for the organic food products will be through retail outlets such as Woolworths and Coles. The product will be fairly priced so that they can catch the attention of the audience. Pricing Strategy: As mentioned above the fast food is less expensive than the organic food but the health cost in consuming the fast food is much high. The pricing method used will be cost plus pricing method which will include the delivery van rent and cost involved in making and delivering food and organic products will be considered. The profit margin should be kept low in order to survive the competition. Competitors: Australian food market is flooded with many organic food caf chains such as AboutLife, Earth to table, Thrive etc. (The fit foodie, 2014). But what differentiates our product is a delivery van offering organic meal boxes at affordable prices. In the retail industry there are many competitors but the target market of our product is vast and offers to fulfill the needs of larger audience. References: BBC (2017)The risks of a poor diet and being overweight.BBC, London. Retrieved from 10 May 2017. AIHW. (2017). Overweight and obesity. Retrieved from on 10 May 2017. Campbell, L. (2016). Shocking Statistics That Illustrate Australia's Obesity Problem. Retrieved from on 10 May 2017. Foe. (2017). The benefits of Fairtrade. Retrieved from on 10 May 2017. The fit foodie. (2014). TOP 10 HEALTHY EATS IN SYDNEY. Retrieved from on 9 May 2017.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Tartuffe Essay Paper Example For Students
Tartuffe Essay Paper byMolireI was in the audience at the proformance of Tartuffe the first night itplayed at Prairie High School. I really liked Tartuffe, i felt that the play waspretty funny, and i liked how it started off by letting the audience knowTartuffe is a fraud. I thought it was a very good production. In Tartuffe we get pretty much a personal view into Orgonss home, allof the play takes place here. In Act I, scene 4, Tartuffe, coming into churcheveryday and drawing attention with his loud prayer. In church Orgon wouldoffer him gifts and he would say they were twice too much and immediatelygive some to the poor, again this kind of thing makes the audience realizethat Tartuffe is a fraud and that he has Madame Pernelle and Orgonconvinced that he is perfect. Sooner or later Orgon invites Tartuffe to live inhis home. Tartuffe immediality takes everything over. He convinces Orgonto turn the house over to him along with some important papers. Orgon istotally in the dark on whats going on and everytime a member of his familytries to talk to him about it he gets all mad and the have a fight. Tartuffeswhole reason for being in the home is that he is trying to suduce Orgonsyoung wife. Everyone in his family knows whats going on and they settartuffe up to take a fall. It works and Orgon thro ws Tartuffe out of thehouse, But what we all forgot is that Orgon had signed everything over toTartuffe and Tartuffe has Orgon and his family evicted from the home. Luckily, the good king sees through Tartuffe and has him arrested. This play is set in Orgons home. The technical elements of this playare used to set a mood for the play. Like when Tartuffe starts to take overOrgons home, Tartuffes assisstant begins to change the rugs and drapes to thecolor green, Tartuffes main color}, and then when Tartuffe starts to lose hiscontrol on Orgon, the maid come out and removes the green and replaces itwith the regular color. I really wasnt effected by the changing of the colorsuntil i thought back to what happened and realized why it happened. Then itstarted to make a little better of a picture., of how Tartuffe was taking overthen losing control. The lighting of the play was all together good but what inoticed is when Damis is playing a video game in the corner it was a littlehard to see and here him because everyone was in front of him and he was inthe corner. I liked the costumes used in Tartuffe I liked how Tartuffe and hisservant wore green and then Orgon started wearing green, then Orgon wentback to his regular clothes, and Tartuffe wore some pimp clothes, that weneet i got how that was working from the start. I dont quite recall many sound effects being used in the show, butbefore and during intermission there was alot of classical music playing sowe got the idea that we were going to see a a play about rich people. The way the playwrite uses Tartuffe in the beginning of the play tomake himself look like a hyprocrit, is one of the reasons that i liked the playbecause i really think that when the audience doesnt like the villian it makesfor a way better play. And i think that the whole audience thought thatTartuffe was a moron by the end of the first act. I really had a hard timeunderstanding the play while i was in the audience, because I was under theinfluence that the play took place in the 14 or 15 hundreds. I didnt find outintil the next day that the play had been moved up in time abit the the 1990s. I just felt that the old english used in the play didnt quite equal out with thewhole 1990s thing. That was one of the only thing that i didnt like aboutTartuffe. I felt that it was trying to make a point, not to trust everyonebecause looks can be decieving. I think that Tartuffe was really meant foreveryone to have a good laugh, there wasnt much else to it. .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 , .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .postImageUrl , .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 , .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:hover , .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:visited , .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:active { border:0!important; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:active , .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03 .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u07cb44f4e715d5e70b94a9e38bf12b03:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Samantha Srinivasan EssayI think that since i already read the script, that is what made meconfused about the place in time that the play held. If i wouldnt have readthe play before I saw it I think i would have been a little more in tune withwhat was going on.
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