Tuesday, November 26, 2019
5 Peculiarities of the German Alphabet
5 Peculiarities of the German Alphabet The following are five peculiarities of the German alphabet and its pronunciation that every beginner German student should know about. Additional Letters in the German Alphabet There are more than twenty-six letters in the German alphabet. Technically speaking the German alphabet has only one additional letter that is different- the eszett. It looks like a capital letter B with a tail hanging from it: ß However, there is also something that Germans call â€Å"der Umlaut.†This is when two dots are placed above a letter. In German, this happens only above the vowels a, o and u. The umlaut placed upon these vowels makes the following sound shifts: similar to the short e in bed; à ¶, similar to the u sound in further, and à ¼. similar to the French u sound. Unfortunately, there is no English equivalent for the sound à ¼. To pronounce the à ¼ sound, you need to say u while your lips are in a puckering position. The ß, on the other hand, is simply like an over-pronounced s. It is rightly called in German ein scharfes s (a sharp s). In fact, when people don’t have access to the German keyboard, they often will substitute a double s for the ß. However, in German, there are further rules about when it is correct to write either ss or ß. (See article German s, ss or ß) The only way to avoid the ß Â is to move to Switzerland since Swiss Germans don’t use the ß at all. V Is W and Sounds Like F The standard name of the letter V, as it is in many languages, is actually the letter name of W in German. This means that if you were singing the alphabet in German, the section TUVW, would sound as follows (Tà ©/Fau/Và ©). Yes, this confuses a lot of beginners! But wait, there’s more: the letter V in German sounds like F! For instance, the word der Vogel you would pronounce as Fogel (with a hard g). As for the letter W in German? This peculiarity at least makes the most sense: the letter W in German, which is named like a V sounds like a V. The Spitting Combo Now for a little humor that actually helps you remember! The pronunciation spitting combo helps students remember the peculiarities of these three very common German sounds: ch – sch – sp. Say them quickly one after another and it sounds like, first - the preparation for the spit ch/ch, the start of the spit – sch (like sh in English), and finally the actual ejaculation of the spit – sp. Beginners tend at first to over vocalize the ch sound and forget the sh sound in sp. Better practice some pronunciation spitting then! The K Reigns Even though the letter C is in the German alphabet, by itself it plays only a minor role, since most German words that start with the letter C followed by a vowel, stem from foreign words. For example, der Caddie, die Camouflage, das Cello. It is only in these types of words where you’ll find the soft c or hard c sound. Otherwise, the letter c is actually only popular in German consonant combinations, such as sch and ch, as stated in the preceding paragraph. You will find the German version of the hard â€Å"c†sound in the letter K. Consequently, you will often see words that start with a hard c sound in English spelled with a K in German: Kanada, der Kaffee, die Konstruktion, der Konjunktiv, die Kamera, das Kalzium. Position Is Everything At least when it comes to the letters B, D, and G. When you place these letters either at the end of a word or before a consonant, then the sound transformation is usually as follows: das Grab/ the grave (the b sounds like a soft p), die Hand/ hand (the d sounds like a soft t) beliebig/ any (the sounds like a soft k). Of course, this is expected in Hochdeutsch (standard German) only, it might be different when speaking German dialects or with accents of different German regions. Since these letter shifts sound very subtle when speaking, it is more important to pay attention to their correctness when writing them.
Friday, November 22, 2019
German Battleship Bismarck in World War II
German Battleship Bismarck in World War II Bismarck was the first of two Bismarck-class battleships that were ordered for the Kriegsmarine in the years prior to World War II. Built by Blohm and Voss, the battleship mounted a main battery of eight 15 guns and was capable of a top speed of over 30 knots. Quickly identified as a threat by the Royal Navy, efforts to track Bismarck were underway after its commissioning in August 1940. Ordered on its first mission into the Atlantic the following year, Bismarck won a victory over HMS Hood at the Battle of the Denmark Strait, but soon came under a combined attack by British ships and aircraft. Damaged by an aerial torpedo, Bismarck was sunk by British surface ships on May 27, 1941. Design In 1932, German naval leaders requested a series of battleship designs intended to fit within the 35,000 ton limit imposed on leading maritime nations by the Washington Naval Treaty. Initial work began on what became the Bismarck-class the following year and initially centered around an armament of eight 13 guns and a top speed of 30 knots. In 1935, the signing of the Anglo-German Naval Agreement accelerated German efforts as it allowed the Kriegsmarine to build up to 35% of the total tonnage of the Royal Navy. Additionally, it bound the Kriegsmarine to the Washington Naval Treaty tonnage restrictions. Increasingly concerned about Frances naval expansion, German designers sought to create a new type of battleship that would out-class the newer French vessels. Design work moved forward with debates ensuing over the caliber of the main battery, type of propulsion system, and thickness of the armor. These were further complicated in 1937 with the departure of Japan from the treaty system and implementation of an escalator clause that increased the tonnage limit to 45,000 tons. When German designers learned that the new French Richelieu-class would mount 15 guns, the decision was made use similar weapons in four two-gun turrets. This battery was supplemented by a secondary battery of twelve 5.9 (150 mm) guns. Several means of propulsion were considered including turbo-electric, diesel geared, and steam drives. After assessing each, turbo-electric drive was initially favored as it had proven effective aboard the American Lexington-class aircraft carriers. Construction As construction moved forward, the new class propulsion came to be geared turbine engines turning three propellers. For protection, the new class mounted an armor belt ranging in thickness from 8.7 to 12.6. This area of the ship was further protected by 8.7 armored, transverse bulkheads. Elsewhere, armor for the conning tower was 14 on the sides and 7.9 on the roof. The armor scheme reflected the German approach of maximizing protection while maintaining stability. Ordered under the name Ersatz Hannover, the lead ship of the new class, Bismarck, was laid down at Blohm Voss in Hamburg on July 1, 1936. The first name served as an indication that the new vessel was replacing the old pre-dreadnought Hannover. Sliding down the ways on February 14, 1939, the new battleship was sponsored by Dorothee von Là ¶wenfeld, granddaughter of Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. Bismarck would be followed a second battleship of its class, Tirpitz, in 1941. Fast Facts: Battleship Bismarck General Nation: Nazi GermanyType: BattleshipShipyard: Blohm Voss, HamburgLaid Down: July 1, 1936Launched: February 14, 1939Commissioned: August 24, 1940Fate: Sunk in action, May 27, 1941 Specifications Displacement: 45,451 tonnesLength: 450.5mBeam (Width): 36mDraft:: 9.3-10.2mPropulsion: 12 High-pressure Wagner boilers powering 3 Blohm Voss geared turbines at 150,170 horsepowerSpeed: 30.8 knotsRange: 8,525 nautical miles at 19 knots, 4,500 nautical miles at 28 knotsComplement: 2,092: 103 officers, 1,989 enlisted Armament Guns 8Ãâ€"380 mm/L48.5 SK-C/34 (4 turrets with 2 guns each)12Ãâ€"150 mm/L55 SK-C/2816Ãâ€"105 mm/L65 SK-C/37 / SK-C/3316Ãâ€"37 mm/L83 SK-C/3012Ãâ€"20 mm/L65 MG C/30 (Single)8Ãâ€"20 mm/L65 MG C/38 (Quadruple) Aircraft 4Ãâ€" Arado Ar 196 A-3 seaplanes, using 1 double-ended catapult Early Career Commissioned in August 1940, with Captain Ernst Lindemann in command, Bismarck departed Hamburg to conduct sea trials in Kiel Bay. Testing of the ships armament, power plant, and seakeeping abilities continued through the fall in the relative safety of the Baltic Sea. Arriving at Hamburg in December, the battleship entered the yard for repairs and alterations. Though scheduled to return to Kiel in January, a wreck in the Kiel Canal prevented this from occurring until March. Finally reaching the Baltic, Bismarck resumed training operations. With World War II underway, the German Kriegsmarine envisioned using Bismarck as a raider to attack British convoys in the North Atlantic. With its 15 guns, the battleship would be able to strike from a distance, inflicting maximum damage while placing itself at minimal risk. Bismarck, photographed from Prinz Eugen, in the Baltic at the outset of Operation Rheinà ¼bung, May 1941. Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1989-012-03 / Lagemann / CC-BY-SA 3.0 The battleships first mission in this role was dubbed Operation Rheinà ¼bung (Exercise Rhine) and proceeded under the command of Vice Admiral Gà ¼nter Là ¼tjens. Sailing in tandem with the cruiser Prinz Eugen, Bismarck departed Norway on May 22, 1941, and headed towards the shipping lanes. Aware of Bismarcks departure, the Royal Navy had begun moving ships to intercept. Steering north and west, Bismarck headed for the Denmark Strait between Greenland and Iceland. Battle of the Denmark Straight Entering the strait, Bismarck was detected by the cruisers HMS Norfolk and HMS Suffolk which called for reinforcements. Responding were the battleship HMS Prince of Wales and the battlecruiser HMS Hood. The two intercepted the Germans at the south end of the strait on the morning of May 24. Less than 10 minutes after the ships opened fire, Hood was struck in one of its magazines causing an explosion that blew the ship in half. Unable to take on both German ships alone, Prince of Wales broke off the fight. During the battle, Bismarck was hit in a fuel tank, causing a leak and forcing a reduction in speed (Map). Bismarck fires on HMS Prince of Wales during the Battle of the Denmark Strait. Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1984-055-13 Sink the Bismarck! Unable to continue with his mission, Là ¼tjens ordered Prinz Eugen to continue on while he turned the leaking Bismarck toward France. On the night of May 24, aircraft from the carrier HMS Victorious attacked with little effect. Two days later aircraft from HMS Ark Royal scored a hit, jamming Bismarcks rudder. Unable to maneuver, the ship was forced to steam in a slow circle while awaiting the arrival of the British battleships HMS King George V and HMS Rodney. They were sighted the following morning and Bismarcks final battle commenced. Bismarck burning in the distance as HMS Rodney (right) fires, May 27, 1941. Public Domain Assisted by the heavy cruisers HMS Dorsetshire and Norfolk, the two British battleships pummeled the stricken Bismarck, knocking its guns out of action and killing most of the senior officers on board. After 30 minutes, the cruisers attacked with torpedoes. Unable to resist further, Bismarcks crew scuttled the ship to prevent its capture. British ships raced in to pick up the survivors and rescued 110 before a U-boat alarm forced them to leave the area. Close to 2,000 German sailors were lost.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Source Selection and Ethical standards Applied on the Supply Chain Essay
Source Selection and Ethical standards Applied on the Supply Chain Performance - Essay Example This generally involves having a budget for the items needed, selecting the supplies intended in this bandages, needles, medical equipment etc. This is followed by the bidding process where the bidders are invited to tender for the supplies. The selection of the most viable and convenient supplier is chosen, implementation is done and further follow up is carried out. Triage approach is one the suggested ways that thoroughly looks at a systematic evaluation of individual suppliers then gives them categorical differences (Robert et al, 2008). This process enables you to get the best deal in inventory management process by assessing the suppliers’ dealings. It also customizes the product needs according to specifications let alone the strategic location that is convenient for you. The opportunity presented here is in product specification delivery. There is often a team that is liable to undertake the whole process. The sales lead oversees everything to the customers’ fin al detail. The procurement team and the technological advancement team plus the consultant team work hand in hand to meet the customers’ target. The team will always be ready to make any amendments and give suggestions towards vital changes that would be beneficial to the hospital. The location as well the timing is all put in consideration. The price at which the customer is willing to pay is negotiated and the fairest price reached. This saves on time as well the costs involved in other modes of procurement. This is because a shortage of inventory is not felt as well as the stock levels are maintained at the recommended levels. No one time will you experience out of stock of your supplies since your target is at the core of the supplier chain manager. The whole source selection caters for production, delivery, inventory management, locality aspects, and providing information where need be. The advantages of the source selection are so beneficial to the hospital. Insourcing is recommended than outsourcing. Outsourcing of the source needs would and might incorporate all the clientele needs. The small details that are vital in such a process may be overlooked leading to failure of the whole process. The cost involved in getting a consultant to outsource may also be quite high as the work is tedious. On the contrary the outsourcing of the source needs may be beneficial in that it will not consume time for the management. The whole process is left to the consulting company. The final decision however rests with the management. Insourcing of the source needs is recommended due to the fact that the needs are clarified along the way. Any changes that need to be made are done quickly saving on time. The best opportunity can easily be identified as the direct involvement is between the supplier and the hospital. A thorough analysis can be made before the selection process is reached for clarity and the way forward needed without further consultations. Ethics po licy for the purchasing department: Personal integrity and professionalism – each and every individual who will be involved in the supply chain should be honest, have due diligence and be caring. Respects should be portrayed towards the clientele as well as to their colleagues. The entire group should maintain confidentiality in their work. Information shared to the public should not be outside the context that is allowed by the hospital management. Accountability and transparency –
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
What is the relationship between tuberculosis and poverty in the uk Essay
What is the relationship between tuberculosis and poverty in the uk - Essay Example risk of developing tuberculosis include age, gender, ethnicity, genetic factors, body build, pregnancy, lifestyle (occupation, poverty, diet, smoking, drinking alcohol, drug abuse, place of residence), specific protection (BCG vaccine), medical factors like the presence of HIV AIDs or certain types of cancers, or undergoing treatments like haemodialysis or Immunosuppressive treatment. (Davies, 2005). There are strong indications that susceptibility to both the infection and the disease of tuberculosis is dependent on a variety of factors. The current research is aimed towards finding direct and indirect linkages between poverty and tuberculosis. The indirect links between poverty and TB can be analyzed from the positive correlation of factors like ethnicity, the presence of HIV AIDs, lifestyle, both with the rates of incidences of tuberculosis and with the presence of poverty. For presenting evidence on poverty affecting the rate of tuberculosis more directly, there have been several studies that have quoted poverty as a major factor in the cause of the disease. This paper hopes to carry out an exhaustive literature survey by an intelligent analysis and presentation of the interpretations and findings of an exhaustive list of available resources. By doing this, it is hoped to establish how poverty is related to tuberculosis in the United Kingdom. The primary objective of the present study is to discover if poverty does indeed influence the incidence of tuberculosis in the UK. In addition, this paper also aims to explore and present revealing insights about various possible factors that lead to the infection and disease of TB. This is done so as to find if these others factors are in anyway related to poverty, thus making poverty a major risk factor for TB. It is important to explain the methodology that was adopted and the consequent methods that were employed, and also the reasons for using them. The following pages will help to elaborate upon the above so
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Learning curve Essay Example for Free
Learning curve Essay The term the learning curve has a popular, well-known meaning in American culture. In consideration of how and when you start to examine the way that term is used, most people discover that the primary and perceived meaning of the term really doesnt make any sense. If the curve is drawn on a chart which tracks resulting knowledge against time spent learning, it might look like the Tetris © (a popular logic game) graph here to the right. By visual consideration, the chart is steepest at the beginning, when a person first starts learning how to play Tetris. The beginner usually gains knowledge quickly, learning the game in just a few minutes. Though there is much to learn, the player will never learn as quickly as he or she did at the beginning learning how to play the game. | Here is another example: I believe that most people would consider the process of blowing leafs out of their yards with a leaf blower is very simple, but is that the instance? For many, regardless of education and or experience, it only takes about two minutes to get up and running blowing leaves. Additional knowledge milestones await most people after they have invested more time, such as flushing corners, minimizing blowback, and blinding the cyclists. | On the charts shown in this article, the knowledge milestones are made up and arbitrary, however labeling the vertical axis can be challenging. For most people, learning can be a series of successes, but it can also be a slow refinement of technique. It isnt really accurate for a person to say they are still learning to dribble a basketball when many NBA professionals with years of experience are still refining the process. | Shown to the right is an expanded timeline on the basketball learning curve. Many of the knowledge milestones on this chart cant really be learned in an hour. Most people can and do learn that they exist, but are not able to actually perform them for another year. | This quest for adequate understanding was spurned by my desire to identify activities which have a shallow learning curve. If steep learning curves are grueling, then shallow ones must be enjoyable, right? Shown here on the right is a graph for the learning curve of World of Warcraft. It is definitely enjoyable. Maybe the vast number of things to learn makes it so compelling, or the timed-release of new experiences. Speed of learning is probably not the best way to determine whether or not something is fun. | Another example. Learning to drive a manual transmission. Learning to drive a manual transmission is difficult because it requires a certain level of knowledge and skill before it can be done at all. The payoff, and true measure of success, is learning it well enough to dare to venture out into real traffic on a person’s own. In consideration of the aforementioned graph, it is cognitive to most people that in many examples of learning, there is only one real milestone to be reached. | This final graph compares the learning of two different students, and it is the only chart where the idea of a steep learning curve actually makes sense. The lower (green) section of the graph represents the state of being unable to perform a certain task. The upper section represents the state of being able to perform it. The orange line student can be said to have a steep learning curve. The sample student crossed the threshold into able after one day of learning. The red line sample student had a shallow learning curve. Said student needed four days to become able to adequately learn and or retain the learned knowledge. Posters note: I found the foregoing article one day while doing research on different learning styles. The original post on Cockeyed. com I believe was meant to be satirical, however in my opinion the information is highly beneficial in understanding the original author’s perspective on how many people learn. In considering the authors said perspective, I truly believe he or she has captured what many people today consider the â€Å"learning curve†process. Please write me with any comments, questions and or concerns. William Lucas ([emailprotected] net)| |
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Ancient Celtic Mythology: A Vision of Gods and Goddesses :: Religion
Ancient Celtic Mythology: A Vision of Gods and Goddesses Upon investigating the supernatural reality that the Celts endured, it is necessary to somewhat overlook the myths to see what lies behind them. It is essential to find when and from where the myths originated and how true the storytellers, or narrators, really are. The Celtic gods and goddesses, in such an early mythological time defined as a period when beings lived or events happened such as one no longer sees in our days (Sjoestedt 1994: 2), require much analysis. A diverse collection of documents, literature and archaeology pave the way to our understanding of the ancient mythology of the Celts. However, these traces lack a sense of closure, leaving the investigation into the nature of these gods and goddesses raw and incomplete. The evidence of the Celtic deities exists in various forms, but the information that we have collected leaves unanswered questions. For instance, in analysing the recorded documents left behind by the Greeks and Romans, we are called to cast some doubt on how closely the Celtic religious rites paralleled those of their classical neighbours. We survey recorded religious practices with apprehension, as we are not truly sure that the Celts too worshipped family gods and a mass of deities who covered all aspects of life.1 How do we know that we are not just reading materials reflecting the Graeco-Roman myths? Is it not plausible that these Greek and Roman writers installed some bias, leaning towards their mythological ideas, within their testimony? The speculation surrounding all of the varied pieces of evidence is just. From the abundance of evidence, though, we can be sure that the Celts believed in a multiplicity of deities. It is apparent that the existence of gods and goddesses in Celtic society was quite a serious affair and an everyday business. However, when focusing on the exact nature of such gods and goddesses, it seems only fair to attempt to construct an overview of the character of each deity. Reconstructing the evidence might be too hopeful because the conclusions would come from mere ignorance and be partially based on what we still do not know. From here we can only address the different types of evidence that piece together the very nature of the Celtic gods and goddesses, but the mixed and slightly unreliable evidence is certainly not easy to sort. The literary evidence for the existence of deities in Celtic religion is one source that reveals the character of the individual gods and goddesses.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Operations Technology and Organization Structure: An Empirical Reappraisal Essay
Organizations are in constant states of change in structure, procedures, competition, and technological advancement and there is an ever growing desire to improve on performance and service delivery. For the successful integration of change, organizations must administer and implement processes that revolve around employees, process and structure. The sole reason for integration is because one cannot be changed without altering the other. If the integration proves to be difficult, then the organization has to break down and sometimes bits of it either crumble or become separate entities. This was the initial reason for the split of Intercos Asia Pacific from Intercos group. From the staunch differences in strategic planning as well as direction between management personnel, Intercos Group made it possible for the managers with different opinions to have a separate entity, Intercos Asia Pacific. Many companies validate the theory that organizations most often assume a linear progression from the time of its birth to that of its decline. This concept is based on the organizational life cycle. According to Hayes & Wheelwright (1979), as companies evolve, they are faced with both new challenges and opportunities and, therefore, they must adopt superior management controls and systems. On the other hand, according to Kilzer & Glausser (1984), the challenges faced by companies can be successfully managed through careful planning and growth timing, contingency and tactical planning, maintaining an operational budget and the equitable treatment of all stakeholders. Tice (2007) stated that in order for a business to be successful and remain in competition, then it must be adaptable, decisive, collaborative and self aware, thus fostering innovation and surgically executing the set strategy. Research collected from interviews conducted with management personnel at Intercos Asia Pacific reveals that there are several factors that companies like Intercos Asia Pacific should learn in order to remain competitive, command a sizable market and have the capacity for growth. The first major step would be to align the company’s goals with the internal and external environments of the company. Being a new business, Intercos Asia Pacific has to find its footing in the market, being a competitor of Intersco Group that has a big head start. Having to start building itself from the ground up is not an easy task for the company given that the market is already cut throat. Several drastic changes shall have to be implemented in order to become competitive and remain profitable as a separate entity from Intersco Group. Target Group for Research     The main reason why the interviews were conducted with the target being managers was because, at the time of interviews, the managers were not confined to specific departments. The managers involved understood the running of the business in general. Oliver (2004) pointed out that the main ingredients for organizational growth being â€Å"talent management†whereby the leaders are able conceptualize. In order to accommodate the challenges that come with growth as well as startups, managers at Intercos Asia Pacific have to develop their management skills, implement strategies at the right time and finally make sound adjustments to their attitude and character. Managers at Intercos Asia Pacific understand that change or transition entails them to have to adjust their personal goals, managerial abilities, operational and strategic abilities. If they are to remain competitive, they have to make the utmost use of their limited resources, because they no longer ha ve the vast resources provided at Intersco Group. However, their experience in Intersco Group should come in handy for the managers since they understand the market, thus not making them completely helpless. Great managers are always characterized as administrators, integrators and entrepreneurs and the degree in which they utilize these characteristics depends largely on the situation Therefore, the manager’s needs and those of the business have to be in synchrony in order for growth to take place and in the case of Intercos Asia Pacific, for a business to get started. Combating the problem of sales growth can be a tall order for a new business. However, being a small fish in a big sea can have its advantages such as easy maneuverability within the waters. Most large companies are more intent on preserving their reputation and so there is some clientele that they would rather keep away from. For a company like Intercos Asia Pacific such is not the case and this new market should be exploited with zeal and decorum. Although this business has to remain 100% legal, this new market can help Intercos Asia Pacific gain ground. The resources at the disposal of Intercos Asia Pacific may be limited, but this does not mean that that the company has to be a total failure. The business that this market provides can most likely end up being the major source of income for the company. Customer retention is another problem that Intercos Asia Pacific faces during its maiden days in the market. It is better to have ten loyal customers than to have fifty prospect clients because business can be snatched from the organization’s hands if it does not keep the customers satisfied. Osborne (1994) concluded that successful companies are not primarily based on the management’s competencies, credentials and experience alone. Success of Intersco Asia Pacific has been attributed to the company’s ability to generate income, its team of employees and its business concept. For this reason, retaining customers is a step in the right direction for Intersco Asia Pacific especially being a company dealing with cosmetics. This kind of business heavily relies on recommendations and consistent customers. For this reason, when Intercos Asia Pacific gains ground, it should strive to maintain the newly found clients who in turn shall be the stepping stones for the compa ny. Having to build Intersco Asia Pacific from the ground up shall help Intercos Asia Pacific understand the needs of the clients, the changing trends in the market and the new demand patterns. For this very reason, the company shall have a strategic advantage over Intersco Group who depend on the trends that they have become accustomed. The managers revealed that they were ready to work from the grassroots levels in order to have a customer base that has the services and products from Intercos Asia Pacific tailored for them. Transformation of Intersco Asia Pacific     According to Ford (2005), an effective transformation in any organization requires changes in the behavior of the workforce. Ford indicated that organizations have to train their employees to be ready to shift tasks in case this was needed of them. This strategy is best executed in line with the company’s vision and mission statement. When interviewed about this, the managers agreed that because of their limited resources at the newly formed company, employees had to serve different roles in different capacities, all for the successful running of the business. Sometimes, managers had to chip in physical effort, not just administrative effort. However, they also reiterated that the expected changes can only be achieved if understanding can be reached in terms of the vision and the strategies of the company. Strong leaders are able to communicate about their values and the values of the company, which in turn leads to improved company-level performance. Managers also made it clear that Intercos Asia Pacific requires its employees to attend work-related learning so that they can have their cognition, skills attitudes and behaviors sharpened. As per a study conducted by Hayes and Wheelwright (1979), it was decided that in as much as organizations have to keep up with market and technological trends, they also have to maintain a steady learning curve. The split between Intersco Group and Intercos Asia Pacific led to some major structural changes in both companies. This crisis point led to the loss of managerial personnel in Intersco Group and the formation of a company without enough managers in Intercos Asia Pacific. The managers in the course of the interviews indicated that they understand that for a company to thrive in any market, it has to develop strategies in the form of new systems and structures in order to accommodate the adverse effects of growth and crisis management. Previous research indicates that the company’s size often determines its structure. For example, a company that largely depends on other companies or social environments in most cases has a concentration in authoritative management. Intercos Asia Pacific being a small company with the potential of becoming a market contender has its focus on structure and coordination rather than authority and command. From the interviews conducted through the managers, it was evident that changes in the structure of management are the result of the company’s transition into growth from start-up and it is sometimes characterized by complexity, decentralization and in some instances, formalization. This was in line with the theory proposed by Olson and Tetra (1992). However, this theory is comparable to that proposed by Pugh that identified six years of company structuring that required specialization, formalization, standardization of control and workflow, configuration and centralization. According to Churchill and Lewis (1983), small companies like Intercos Asia Pacific are largely influenced by the availability of resources, workers, technology. On the other hand, the workforce in a large company like Intersco Group is influenced by the level of technology. From the research carried out on Intercos Asia Pacific, managers agreed that in order to record continuous development, managerial hierarchies, structures, processes, human resource developments and growth projections were essential and they had to be put in place. The managerial hierarchies that would be implemented in Intercos Asia Pacific would assist the company to match individuals to specific tasks and, therefore, facilitate the creation of value through specialization. When hierarchies are in place, then other benefits like creativity, morale and productivity can increase with measurable input (Jacques, 1990). The structure of tasks in a company largely depends on the technological advancement and the indu stry. Since Intercos Asia Pacific is just a small company still in its bare foundation stages, the technology and structure requirements are not as complex as they would need to be if the company was effectively and decisively rooted in the market. Restructuring of Intersco Asia pacific to suit the Market     After an extensive review of the information collected from the research at Intercos Asia Pacific, it is clear that for the transition to be effective in a company there is dire need for a restructure in behavior and the organizational systems in the company. The interviews conducted revealed some of the organizational changes that needed to be affected before a company can commence business. The company maybe undergoing the normal struggles of a small organization, but Intercos Asia Pacific has the advantage of having experienced managers who have worked in a bigger company. This advantage over other small companies shall boost Intercos Asia Pacific to new heights because their management system shall be firmly rooted and invested in the company. Being a company that deals with cosmetics, skin products and pencils, Intercos Asia Pacific has had to deal with some obsolete goods. It is for this reason that new market survey had to be carried out in order to determi ne what the new market requires of them. Being a small company with limited resources, Intercos Asia Pacific faces the problem of a large lead time in the delivery of their products. This problem is common to them because they cannot order in large quantities, which can be placed in a warehouse or stores. Unlike during the times in Intersco Group where orders and shipments were not a problem in terms of lead time, Intercos Asia Pacific has to deal with the small quantities that deplete quickly and sometimes there is a delay in the replenishment of their supplies. However, as soon as the company gains ground in the market, then the managers have implemented strategies to purchase products on credit in order to satisfy both the needs as well as the trends of the ever growing market of cosmetics and skin care products. Conclusion     In conclusion, the literature provided in the research indicates that there is a clear struggle during the startup of the company and Intercos Asia Pacific is no different. However, with experienced and dedicated managers all hurdles, potholes or bumps along the way can be effectively dealt with proper strategies, careful planning, division of labor, and employee education. When Intercos Asia Pacific split from Intersco Group, a major challenge was surviving in a market that already had market leaders and well rooted companies. However, the ability of a small company competing against market giants requires careful timing, strategic location, through research about the market and efficiency in service delivery. The managers interviewed were very cooperative in provision of information necessary to produce this paper. Their insight into marketing, running of the company and remaining competitive was invaluable in the writing of this paper. However radical or rash their decisions might have been at Intersco Group, the managers seemed to have done terrific work with Intercos Asia Pacific. Possible expansion and market dominance are in the horizon for the company and this is evident in their vision and mission statements. As leaders, role models and mentors, the managers believe that Intercos Asia Pacific is going to be the next big thing in cosmetics and skin care market. They might have had fallout with Intersco Group, but they strongly believe that their strategies shall keep Intercos Asia Pacific as worthy competitors for a long time to come. The managers acknowledged that the road might be tough for them, but it is only when the going gets tough the tough lace their boots and get going. References Baum, R. J., Kirkpatrick, S. A., Locke, E. A. (1998). A longitudinal study of the relation of vision and vision communication to venture growth in entrepreneurial firms. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83 (1), 43-54. 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Saturday, November 9, 2019
My Essay
Tymaine McBee March 21, 2013 Personal Statement Essay My name is Tymaine McBee and I am currently a student/trainee at OBT (Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow). The reasons why I have enrolled in OBT are to obtain my GED, get enrolled on a good college, and to get a good job. The main reason why I’m here is because high school didn’t really work out for me. I was always getting into trouble and everything else you can imagine. I was just a problem child but I hope I can get through OBT. I have faith that I can.The first reason why I chose to enroll in OBT is to get my GED. I feel that high school really wasn’t for me. Why you ask? Well, when I was in high school, I used to get in lots of trouble like fighting, hanging around with the wrong crowd, and getting locked up. I feel that OBT will help me obtain my GED because the staff here no only help you with school work they help you get ready for the business world as well. I think these skills will help me surviv e because in the real world you need business skills and school smarts to survive.My second reason why I enrolled into OBT is to get a job. The reason why I want a job is to help my grandmother out around the house, with bills and rent. I’m also looking to get a job so I can support myself like buying stuff that I need. Another reason why I’m looking to get a job because this will be the first job I ever had. I had previous chances to work for summer youth but I messed those chances up by getting locked up. But the main and most important reason why I’m hoping to get a job is so I can take care of my grandmother because she is very sick.The third reason why I go enrolled in OBT was to get into a good college. I’ve always wanted to go to college but I wasn’t the brightest kid in the world. One of the colleges I would like to go to is Hunter College. I would like to go to college to study computer networking, law, and nursing. The reason why I want t o study computer networking is because I love computers and I want to learn how to network one. The reason why I want to study in law is because I’m a good speaker and I fight for what’s right also I know how to hold a good argument.The reason why I want to study in nursing is because I want to give back to the community like I want to help old people get better when they are sick. In conclusion, I enrolled in OBT to get my GED, get into a good college, and to get a good job. I just hope that I can make it through this program without any slip-ups or anything. I really have faith that I can make it through these 23 weeks and get my GED and do something productive with my life instead of doing wrong. I’m glad that I’m a student/trainee at OBT its going to open new doors and opportunities for me in the future. My Essay Tymaine McBee March 21, 2013 Personal Statement Essay My name is Tymaine McBee and I am currently a student/trainee at OBT (Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow). The reasons why I have enrolled in OBT are to obtain my GED, get enrolled on a good college, and to get a good job. The main reason why I’m here is because high school didn’t really work out for me. I was always getting into trouble and everything else you can imagine. I was just a problem child but I hope I can get through OBT. I have faith that I can.The first reason why I chose to enroll in OBT is to get my GED. I feel that high school really wasn’t for me. Why you ask? Well, when I was in high school, I used to get in lots of trouble like fighting, hanging around with the wrong crowd, and getting locked up. I feel that OBT will help me obtain my GED because the staff here no only help you with school work they help you get ready for the business world as well. I think these skills will help me surviv e because in the real world you need business skills and school smarts to survive.My second reason why I enrolled into OBT is to get a job. The reason why I want a job is to help my grandmother out around the house, with bills and rent. I’m also looking to get a job so I can support myself like buying stuff that I need. Another reason why I’m looking to get a job because this will be the first job I ever had. I had previous chances to work for summer youth but I messed those chances up by getting locked up. But the main and most important reason why I’m hoping to get a job is so I can take care of my grandmother because she is very sick.The third reason why I go enrolled in OBT was to get into a good college. I’ve always wanted to go to college but I wasn’t the brightest kid in the world. One of the colleges I would like to go to is Hunter College. I would like to go to college to study computer networking, law, and nursing. The reason why I want t o study computer networking is because I love computers and I want to learn how to network one. The reason why I want to study in law is because I’m a good speaker and I fight for what’s right also I know how to hold a good argument.The reason why I want to study in nursing is because I want to give back to the community like I want to help old people get better when they are sick. In conclusion, I enrolled in OBT to get my GED, get into a good college, and to get a good job. I just hope that I can make it through this program without any slip-ups or anything. I really have faith that I can make it through these 23 weeks and get my GED and do something productive with my life instead of doing wrong. I’m glad that I’m a student/trainee at OBT its going to open new doors and opportunities for me in the future. My Essay Tymaine McBee March 21, 2013 Personal Statement Essay My name is Tymaine McBee and I am currently a student/trainee at OBT (Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow). The reasons why I have enrolled in OBT are to obtain my GED, get enrolled on a good college, and to get a good job. The main reason why I’m here is because high school didn’t really work out for me. I was always getting into trouble and everything else you can imagine. I was just a problem child but I hope I can get through OBT. I have faith that I can.The first reason why I chose to enroll in OBT is to get my GED. I feel that high school really wasn’t for me. Why you ask? Well, when I was in high school, I used to get in lots of trouble like fighting, hanging around with the wrong crowd, and getting locked up. I feel that OBT will help me obtain my GED because the staff here no only help you with school work they help you get ready for the business world as well. I think these skills will help me surviv e because in the real world you need business skills and school smarts to survive.My second reason why I enrolled into OBT is to get a job. The reason why I want a job is to help my grandmother out around the house, with bills and rent. I’m also looking to get a job so I can support myself like buying stuff that I need. Another reason why I’m looking to get a job because this will be the first job I ever had. I had previous chances to work for summer youth but I messed those chances up by getting locked up. But the main and most important reason why I’m hoping to get a job is so I can take care of my grandmother because she is very sick.The third reason why I go enrolled in OBT was to get into a good college. I’ve always wanted to go to college but I wasn’t the brightest kid in the world. One of the colleges I would like to go to is Hunter College. I would like to go to college to study computer networking, law, and nursing. The reason why I want t o study computer networking is because I love computers and I want to learn how to network one. The reason why I want to study in law is because I’m a good speaker and I fight for what’s right also I know how to hold a good argument.The reason why I want to study in nursing is because I want to give back to the community like I want to help old people get better when they are sick. In conclusion, I enrolled in OBT to get my GED, get into a good college, and to get a good job. I just hope that I can make it through this program without any slip-ups or anything. I really have faith that I can make it through these 23 weeks and get my GED and do something productive with my life instead of doing wrong. I’m glad that I’m a student/trainee at OBT its going to open new doors and opportunities for me in the future.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Analysing a text guide (Autosaved) Essays - Linguistics, Language
Analysing a text guide (Autosaved) Essays - Linguistics, Language \Analysing a text Refer to line numbers in your examples What to look for: Answer: An example (if possible): Mode - spoken or written Has spoken nature to it. Register - formal or informal This radio show is very informal as it has a wide use of colloquialisms, slang and has a wide variety of playful words to it. The way the words re omitted also shows that laid back type of conversation between the two subjects. In the background information, it says that the topic being discussed is the issue of pets being in their owner's beds at night' - this is informal because it is a radio show of someone and 2 other people stating their opinion of pets being in their beds. A business worker and a principle would not have this type of conversation. Function - play, entertainment, inform, persuade, etc. The function is to entertain the audience. It could also be to inform pet owners about the issue of pets being in owners' bed. Social Purpose - how is it used within the society Lexical/morphological features that support function and social purpose Free morphemes are used to support the information and the function of the transcript. Syntactic features that support function and/or social purpose Shortening Elision In line 65, shortening was used with the word coupla', the word is originally meant to be couple of' but got shortened to coupla'. In line 4 the word you' is shortened to ya' to close the social distance and Phonological Features There is a wide use of slang. Slang is more common in speech and it is words or phrases that are very informal and they are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people. Assimilation is also used when one sound sounds similar or almost identical to another sound, creating one sound in between words. In line 22 and 39 the word thunder buddies' is a word that can be understood by the ingroup but not understood by those who don't usually use that word. In line 30 the word bewdiful' is spelt how it is pronounced, the letter t' is omitted to the letter d'. How is coherence (the little parts forming the text) and cohesion (text as a whole) achieved? Face Needs (attended to or not) Conversational strategies
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Hydrogen Fuel Cells Innovation for the 21st Century
Hydrogen Fuel Cells Innovation for the 21st Century In 1839, the first fuel cell was conceived by Sir William Robert Grove, a Welsh judge, inventor, and physicist. He mixed hydrogen and oxygen in the presence of an electrolyte and produced electricity and water. The invention, which later became known as a fuel cell, didnt produce enough electricity to be useful. Early Stages of the Fuel Cell In 1889, the term â€Å"fuel cell†was first coined by Ludwig Mond and Charles Langer, who attempted to build a working fuel cell using air and industrial coal gas. Another source states that it was William White Jaques who first coined the term fuel cell. Jaques was also the first researcher to use phosphoric acid in the electrolyte bath. In the 1920s, fuel cell research in Germany paved the way for the development of the carbonate cycle and solid oxide fuel cells of today. In 1932, engineer Francis T Bacon began his vital research into fuels cells. Early cell designers used porous platinum electrodes and sulfuric acid as the electrolyte bath. Using platinum was expensive and using sulfuric acid was corrosive. Bacon improved on the expensive platinum catalysts with a hydrogen and oxygen cell using a less corrosive alkaline electrolyte and inexpensive nickel electrodes. It took Bacon until 1959 to perfect his design when he demonstrated a five-kilowatt fuel cell that could power a welding machine. Francis T. Bacon, a direct descendant of the other well known Francis Bacon, named his famous fuel cell design the Bacon Cell. Fuel Cells in Vehicles In October of 1959, Harry Karl Ihrig, an engineer for the Allis - Chalmers Manufacturing Company, demonstrated a 20-horsepower tractor that was the first vehicle ever powered by a fuel cell. During the early 1960s, General Electric produced the fuel-cell-based electrical power system for NASAs Gemini and Apollo space capsules. General Electric used the principles found in the Bacon Cell as the basis of its design. Today, the Space Shuttles electricity is provided by fuel cells, and the same fuel cells provide drinking water for the crew. NASA decided that using nuclear reactors was too high a risk, and using batteries or solar power was too bulky to use in space vehicles. NASA has funded more than 200 research contracts exploring fuel-cell technology, bringing the technology to a level now viable for the private sector. The first bus powered by a fuel cell was completed in 1993, and several fuel-cell cars are now being built in Europe and in the United States. Daimler-Benz and Toyota launched prototype fuel-cell powered cars in 1997. Fuel Cells the Superior Energy Source Maybe the answer to Whats so great about fuel cells? should be the question Whats so great about pollution, changing the climate or running out of oil, natural gas, and coal? As we head into the next millennium, it is time to put renewable energy and planet-friendly technology at the top of our priorities. Fuel cells have been around for over 150 years and offer a source of energy that is inexhaustible, environmentally safe and always available. So why arent they being used everywhere already? Until recently, it has been because of the cost. The cells were too expensive to make. That has now changed. In the United States, several pieces of legislation have promoted the current explosion in hydrogen fuel cell development: namely, the congressional Hydrogen Future Act of 1996 and several state laws promoting zero emission levels for cars. Worldwide, different types of fuel cells have been developed with extensive public funding. The United States alone has sunk more than one billion dollars into fuel-cell research in the last thirty years. In 1998, Iceland announced plans to create a hydrogen economy in cooperation with German carmaker Daimler-Benz and Canadian fuel cell developer Ballard Power Systems. The 10-year plan would convert all transportation vehicles, including Icelands fishing fleet, over to fuel-cell-powered vehicles. In March 1999, Iceland, Shell Oil, Daimler Chrysler, and Norsk Hydroformed a company to further develop Icelands hydrogen economy. In February 1999, Europes first public commercial hydrogen fuel station for cars and trucks opened for business in Hamburg, Germany. In April 1999, Daimler Chrysler unveiled the liquid hydrogen vehicle NECAR 4. With a top speed of 90 mph and a 280-mile tank capacity, the car wowed the press. The company plans to have fuel-cell vehicles in limited production by the year 2004. By that time, Daimler Chrysler will have spent $1.4 billion more on fuel-cell technology development. In August 1999, Singapore physicists announced a new hydrogen storage method of alkali doped carbon nanotubes that would increase hydrogen storage and safety. A Taiwanese company, San Yang, is developing the first fuel cell powered motorcycle. Where Do We Go From Here? There are still issues with hydrogen-fueled engines and power plants. Transport, storage and safety problems need to be addressed. Greenpeace has promoted the development of a fuel cell operated with regeneratively produced hydrogen. European car makers have so far ignored a Greenpeace project for a super-efficient car consuming only 3 liters of gasoline per 100 km. Special Thanks goes to H-Power, The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Letter, and Fuel Cell 2000
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Did the sophists deserve their bad reputation Essay
Did the sophists deserve their bad reputation - Essay Example Plato himself seemed to hold them in low esteem. Aristotle denigrated them for their lack of interest in pure knowledge. Later, self-professed Sophists seemed to pervert the basic tenets of the movement for personal gain. Because these itinerate teachers made money off what many perceived as deception and devaluation, the Sophist's reputation has been viewed with distrust and scorn. Even today, their full contribution is not understood. The question is, "Did the Sophists deserve their bad reputation" The answer lies in the examination of several areas. First, the emergence of the Sophists threatened the status quo and the reigning aristocracy. Because the word itself means clever, people were instantly suspicious of someone who might be too tricky or too smart, especially the wealthy and ruling classes. Because they were teachers that received fees for their educational services, the traditional Greeks were afraid that the lessons taught might conflict with their definition of virtuous and necessary education. They did, in a way. The idea of teaching virtue, for money, incensed the people of the time. They felt that the education of young men to be of wise judgment and upstanding character should be left to the church, not to traveling teachers who expected to be paid! Already the occupations of these mysterious travelers cause suspicion and anger among the people who had become very stable in their beliefs. Another area of teaching that ... Yet, the Sophists also claimed to be great rhetoricians with a flair for disagreeing with current thought and encouraging cynicism in others. While the rhetoric of the senators had always been in supporting what is right and virtuous for individuals and societies, the Sophists were implying that rhetoric could be employed for any purpose, even those that were antithetical to common belief.. People were highly disturbed to realize that someone could use rhetoric to convince them of something untrue. After all, the Sophists were gaining a following of young men who were drawn to their ideas. Basically, the Sophists forced the question "What is right" into the wide open public sphere. Instead of just accepting that right and virtue are always obvious and will always prevail, people could not avoid the new interpretations offered by the Sophists. Those that stood the most to lose, the wealthy and powerful, cried out against the heresy, but those that had little to lose could afford to listen with interest. The revolutionary new teachings spanned education, religion, politics and ethics, challenging the established beliefs held for centuries. This belief purported that people act in certain ways because that is how they ought to act. This prescribed action was based upon the will of the god or gods, or upon some other moral order. People generally believed that these moral tenets were a fixed and unchanging part of nature itself. The Sophists interjected that morals and ethics were not fixed by nature at all but were a dynamic part of society; codes of behaviors changed by the views of society. This conventionality meant that some people, some societies, might believe
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